cнαpтer 16

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hey guys :)

yet again, sorry for the late update. I have a new story up called "A Submissive" so it would be really great if you guys go and check that out *-*


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Chapter 16

Enjoy :)


*Zayn's POV*

"Hey stop!" Liam exclaimed as I changed the channel again. Liam glared at me and pouted against my chest. 

"Teen Wolf is boring" I groaned as I switched back to the channel. 

"How dare you?" Liam gasped as he pushed an accusing finger against my chest. He looked ready to kill, "Teen Wolf is the best thing on this earth" Liam concluded as he pulled his finger away from my chest and turned back to the TV. 

I wanted to say something back but I couldn't open my mouth and speak. I was way too busy admiring the wonderful sight in front of me. He was gorgeous, absolutely breath taking. I couldn't look away. Not when his eyes sparkled like that, not when he bit into his lip like that. The look of concertration, that I had seen many times before, was on his face as he stared at the TV screen. He looked adorable with that look on his face. 

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when Liam placed a hand against my stomach. I looked up to meet his eyes, to find them looking right at me.

"Zayn?" He said. 


"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, his teeth biting into his lip harder, if he carried on he was surely going to cut his lip. 

"You know...we haven't made it official yet" I said as I snapped away from his lips and looked into his eyes again, a thought suddenly making its way into my head.

"Haven't made what official?" Liam frowned. 

"Liam Payne, I know I am your teacher and I know you are my student...but you are gorgeous and I just can't keep myself away from you. I can't stop myself from thinking about you no matter how hard I try. I like you, loads and I fucking want you to be mine, so will you be my boyfriend?" I said. My hand was holding Liam's tightly by the time I was finished with my little speech. Liam's eyes were wide as he stared me, shock written all over his face. 

"Did you really just ask me to be yours?" Liam squeaked. 

"I think so, yeah." I chuckled as I pulled Liam closer to me, he was nearly on my lap. "So what's your answer, baby?"

"YES! I mean, yeah...er, that would be cool" Liam said as he blushed and looked down at our laced hands. 

I couldn't help but chuckle at Liam's reaction. He was truly adorable and mine. I let that information sink into me. I was taken and by the best person on this earth. Liam was mine, he was mine to kiss, hold and love. I couldn't ask for anything else. 

"I am scared" Liam's voice snapped me out of my thoughts again. This time I actually did pull him on my lap and cupped his cheeks. 

"What about?" I asked. 

"Your job. Us being together can get us both in trouble. I don't mind if I get in trouble but not you. I don't want that" He said as he locked his eyes with mine. I could see just how worried he was in his eyes.

"Hey! Please don't worry about that. We just have to be careful. We can't be seen in public, that's all" I said as I pecked his nose. 

"Okay" He said. 

"Now, stop worrying and give me a kiss" I smirked as I pulled Liam on top of me. He giggled and leaned in, brushing his lips against mine for a quick second before pulling away. 


"You cannot call that a kiss, Li" I said as I wrapped my arms over his waist and pulled him down closer towards my body. 

"Yes I can" He pouted. 

"No you can't" I said as I moved my hand to his neck and pulled him down. His lips met mine blissfully and they molded perfectly against mine. We were just getting into the kiss when Liam's phone rang. He groaned against my lips and he pulled away. 

We both sat up as he grabbed his phone from the tea table and pressed the green button. It was his mum. 

"Yeah, okay. Coming back right away" Liam spoke into the phone before he disconnected it. "I have to go home"

"Okay" I said as I stood up and led him towards the door. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him long kiss before opening the door. 

"I will see you tomorrow in class" Liam said. Just as Liam was about to go, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back in. I knew he needed to go but I needed to say this before he left. My heart felt heavier than ever and I knew it was time for this to be said. Liam frowned slightly as he turned around and looked at me, he almost seemed worried. 

"Zayn, what is it?" He asked, his hands caressing my cheeks softly. 

"I love you" I whispered before tilting my head and placing a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. Liam's hand was now rigid against my cheek and I had my eyes closed waiting for his answer.

"I love you too"


Okay so hope that was okay. I am sorry if it was short. tired my best. Only around 5 more chapters to go for this story. 

Sorry for any typos. 


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