cнαpтer 22

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You guys are crazy! I mean over 100 votes on the last chapter! You have no idea how much that means...I love you, so so much and I wish I could jus meet you all and give a long, tight hug *-*

hehe, anyways here's chapter 22 :) Enjoy!


*Liam's POV*

"You never drink this much...actually, you never drink at all" Harry pointed out as I drank down yet another glass of Vodka, ignoring Harry. Drinking wasn't exactly my favourite thing to do but right I felt like I needed it. 

Needed it to forget Zayn. 

Zayn who was slowly tearing my life apart. 

Why did he have to do that?

"I really love him" I mumbled softly, pressing my head in the crook of Harry's neck. I felt Harry's arm wrap around my shoulder, patting my arm gently. 

"I know you both do. Every one has their ups and downs, don't let go off him so easily, Li" Harry whispered, his breath wasn't as minty as it always was. There was hint of alcohol in it and I guess he drank just as much as I had. 

"How do you and Louis do it so easily?" I asked. 

"We don't really care what other people think Li, he doesn't care if he gets fired because when it's the two of us, it's just the two of us" Harry stated, "But not everyone can be that easy going and some people so care. You just have to give Zayn some time"

"I don't think he ever wants to get back with me"

"You don't know that"


"Just give him some time, that's all" 

I nodded and pulled away from Harry, glancing around the club. Niall was lost in the crowd on the dance floor, I haven't seen him at all since I got here. It wouldn't be a surprise if one of us finds him getting laid in the toilets. 

"Hey, can I go get this call real quick?" Harry asked and he gestured to his phone. I nodded and gave him a quick smile. Believe it or not, the talk with Harry lifted a whole lot off my shoulders. 

"Can I have a dance?" I turned around to find hazel eyes staring at me, a smile tugged on the boy's face. My heart beat picked up but then I realized that this wasn't Zayn. It was just someone who looked a lot like him. 

"Yes but just one dance" I said as I let him grab my hand. He gave me a shot nod and pulled me over to the dance floor. Hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer, I hesitated but ended up placing my chin on his shoulder in the end. 

If Zayn could go on a date, I am sure I am allowed to do this.

"So what's your name, beautiful?" He whispered in my ear, minty breath hitting my ear. 

"Liam" I replied.

"Suits you. I'm Alex"

"Suits you too" I replied with a small smile, pulling away from his shoulder. He chuckled and pulled me closer, leaning in closer to me, "Don't kiss me"

"I wasn't going to" Alex chuckled. I flushed red in embarrassment and looked away to avoid looking at him, "I mean I want to, really bad cause you have those perfect, plump lips but I am not going to"

"Why?" I whispered, taking back by his words. 

"Because you don't want me to" He said. 

Right. I didn't want him. I didn't want anybody to kiss me - just Zayn. Even if Zayn let somebody else kiss him, I couldn't let myself do it. No matter how nice Alex was, he just wasn't Zayn. 

"Thank you" I said with a small smile. Alex returned it with a tight squeeze on my hip. 

"No problem"

"Do you by any chance want to come at my place...to talk, I mean!" I said, blushing yet again. 

"I would like that, a lot and you're really cute when you blush. You have no idea how jealous I am off the guy who has your heart right now, seriously he better not let you go cause I will take you without a minute's hesitation" Alex said, he pushed the door of the club open pulling me outside along with him. Our hands were still attached together and it gave me a warm, buzzy feeling inside.

"You deserve someone who will return your feelings and that can never be me" I replied with a small shrug. 

"I know" Alex stated, looking over his shoulder to smirk at me. 

It was a surprise that I felt this comfortable with someone I just met. The rest of the ride to my house was spend just talking about random stuff. It was nice to talk to someone who could take my mind away from Zayn and for once I didn't feel so suffocated. 

"I say we have a Teen Wolf marathon" Alex stated as I unlocked the door to my flat, I laughed and pushed the door open, switching the light on. Alex's hand landed on my hip as I shrugged my coat off and hung it on the door knob. 

"You're a weird, you know" I said as I turned around to face him. Alex opened his mouth to say something but his eyes drifted off to something behind me and I turned around to follow his glance only to find Zayn standing there. 

"Zayn...what are you doing here?" I whispered, I shrugged Alex's hands off my shoulder and walked towards Zayn but he refused to even look at him, his eyes fixed on the person behind me. 

"Tell him to get out, Li"


hehe, this chapter was fun....I just love Alex's character...he was actually made up on the spot so yeah. 

Next chapter will up before my school starts cause I am looking really forward to writing it. 


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