cнαpтer 21

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hello :)

1.6k votes all together. It's crazy. I love you all to death, so here's an update :) I will try to make it long but no promises. 

Chapter 21.

Enjoy :)


*Liam's POV*

"Talk to me?" I asked, frowning. What else was there for him to say, hadn't he said enough already? 

"Fuck, Li. Don't give me that look" Zayn snapped, he grabbed my wrist and then he was pulling me towards his car, footsteps heavy and hurried. I tried to make him stop but obviously Zayn had a firm grip on my hand. 

"Let me go" I hissed. Realizing that we still weren't allowed to be seen together, I looked around quickly making sure no one was there to see us. 

"Get in" Zayn order, his hand against the back of the door as he gestured towards his car. I opened my mouth to say something but Zayn glared, giving me a sharp look, "I said get in Liam"

I sighed and got in, allowing Zayn to slam the door after me. I watched as he walked around the car and got in to the driver's seat. He turned to me and watched, anger still floating around in his eyes, making them look a brighter brown. 

Shouldn't I be the one angry?

"Stop staring at me like that" I snapped, switching the radio on to smoothen down the tensed air. Zayn let out an amused smile and moved closer, making me back away and shove up closer to the door. 

"I am trying to decided whether I like angry Liam or not" He let out.

"Look Zayn if-"

Zayn's grabbed my face and jerked me towards him, planting his lips on mine. I let out a strangled sound that slipped into Zayn's mouth. My hands went to Zayn's chest to push him away but that only made him kiss me harder; lips sucking at my bottom lip sharply - leaving me a gasping mess. 

"Missed that so much" Zayn whimpered into my mouth.

I slowly melted against him; kissing him back softly -lips slotting through his perfectly. And he was right, this was something I had missed a hell lot this week. Our perfect yet sloppy, messy, urgent kisses. 

"Stop" I whispered, pushing him away softly. Zayn groaned but pulled away nonetheless. 

"We need to talk. Right" 

"I don't even know what there is to talk about" I mumbled, looking away from Zayn with a small sigh. Zayn had clearly made everything clear by telling me that we were done and coming to Mcdonalds with a date. 

"This is for our good, Li an-"

"Don't call me that. Just Don't." I snapped with a sharp intake of breath, surprising myself with those words. 

"Yo-I-What? Do you seriously hate me that much?" Pain filtered his eyes and I instantly regretted being so harsh. 

"I don't hate you, Zayn. I don't want to do this yet" I whispered. 

"But you need to know that I don't want to get in trouble. I don't want you to get in trouble. That's why I broke up with you. Fuck, I don't want to but I have to because I can't have you getting your education ruined because of-"

"This doesn't change anything, right?" I asked. 

"What do you mean?"

"This converstation doesn't change anything, because you still aren't going to get back with me are you?" I asked, tapping my blunt nails against the window impatiently.

Zayn stared at me for a split second as if debating on how to answer, his expression hardened and I knew his answer. 

"N-No it doesn't" He sighed. 


"But Lia-"

"No I get it, you are moving on. You can't do this student- teacher. I get it. I was just being stupid for ever thinking it was rea-"

"Don't you dare carry that sentence on!" Zayn interrupted. 

"Why shouldn't I?" 

I bit the inside of my lip in hope that the tears wouldn't come streaming down my face, I didn't want to let Zayn see just how broken he had me, just how much control he had over my emotions. I wasn't going to let that happen. 

"Because my love for you is real as anything" Zayn replied, with a small roll of his eyes. 

But if it was then Zayn wouldn't have just let go off me so easily. He wouldn't have let me go just like that with tears streaming down my face. 

"I need to get out of here" I whispered as I grabbed the handle and pull it, opening the door and before Zayn could stop I was out of his car, slamming the door shut behind me. 

Tears streaming down my face as I walk out of the parking lot as fast as I could. I pulled my phone out and dialed Harry's number. 

"Li, are you okay?" Harry asked as soon as he'd pick up the phone. 

"N-No, where are you?" I aksed. 

"In the club just a few minutes away from McDonalds. Do you want me to come and pick you up?" Harry asked. 

"No stay there. I am coming there"


Okay so there ya go. Hope that wasn't too bad. 


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