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You sat in the drivers seat of your car.
Excided about the hang out.
But really. A date.

Getting to your dorm.

"Hey Yukio," you glared at him from across the room. Yawning.

"Hi." He turned and faced you for a split second before going back to scribbling words on some papers.

You gotta hand it to him, even after what he did, he was a student with a teacher's job, nice.

"I'm gonna head to bed, goodnight." You changed your clothes before moping tiredly and flopping onto your bed.

"OK," was all he said. 'WAIT BON.  I FORGOT!!' You jumped up, scaring Yukio out of his thoughts and into reality.

"What was that about..?" He turned facing you, a look of aggression in his expression.

"Uhh just remembered something." You gave a closed eyed smile, before grabbing up your phone and texting Bon.

YOU: hey, I got home safe and whatnot. And when do you wanna hang out?
                                          10:53pm   read
BON🤓: any time as long as I don't have to be in the hospital.
                                          10:55PM   read
YOU: that works 😂😂 I'm gonna head to bed, cause you know. I go to school😐
                                          10:57PM   read
BON🤓:oh, OK good night text me later tomorrow.
                                          11:02AM   read

That's all remembered before you fell asleep phone on your face, and charging.

Bon seemed happy about the hang out. But then again, you just wanted to get back together.

The whole thing ended not to well.
You still loved him. Seemed like he still loved you.

That next morning.

The last bell had gone off before school ended. Man was it a relief. Today seemed way longer.

Time fore Yukios class. Your favorite.

Of course, your the last to enter class. No one was usually surprised.

"OK class. Because Bon isn't here. So no one is going to raise their hands. So I made up a little game. Each has to pick a partner. Then whoever they chose has to walk around class holding a card. Kinda like head hands. But they know what it is, because the other partner wrote it. Something they don't like About them."

Yukio did a creepy smile. The kids all looked at each other in shock. Either it was the game that shocked them, or the smile.

He began walking down the isle of people, handing out 2 cards to one partner at a time. As you looked around for someone, everyone seemed to be taken.

Besides Shima.

Rin x Bon  Love Or Not?       |Finished|Where stories live. Discover now