Rins pov

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Pushing past Yukio, you held your head low, as you still thought about the man you ran into earlier, even tho you had no idea who he was, it had tuck into your mind.

"Someone's in a good mood." You heard Yukio walking up to you before he pushed you down.

"Quit. I'm not in the mood, and what was that for?" Standing back up you glared at Yukio.
Your blue flames beginning to show.

"Uh oh... Someone's mad.. " Yukio spoke with confidence he never had, he spoke with sass. It was weird.

Ignoring Yukios remark you put your hands in your pocket, and began walking towards the stairs.

"Why don't you want to play brother?" You narrowed your eyes, before pulling your hoodie over your head.

Walking up the steps, you could here Yukio walking, more like, stalking towards you. It began freaking you out.

"Walk ahead of me, please?" And with that being said, you pressed your body against the railing, leaving space for Yukio to pass you.

But he just stood there. Like a shadow.

"Fine, be like that." You pushed his shoulder before walking back up the stairs and into your room.

Closing you door on Yukio, he walked in after you. Slamming the door shut.

"Stop, I have to sleep." You had a hint of anger in your tone. But gladly Yukio quit. And went to his bed. "Goodnight. Brat."

Pulling your blanket over you, you turned to face the wall, away from Yukio. But you couldn't sleep.

That same man was in your head.

And the way Yukio was walking and standing. His perfect posture was gone, and he hunched, his face was covered.
And he didn't speak until after he got in the building.

It couldn't be a demon, you would have sensed it before hand.

Rin x Bon  Love Or Not?       |Finished|Where stories live. Discover now