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(sorry for the delay!)


Walking into your dorm room, Yukio was on his bed reading some manga.

It was quite normal these days that he read and not studied.

"Have a fun time with Nash or whatever his name was?"

Yukio looked up at you, putting his bookmark where he had finished reading.

"Uh-i cancelled plans with him."
You hesitated a bit, you didn't know why.

"Sure. What about Bon."
Yukio didn't ask as a question but, more of a statement.

"Ya, what about him..?" You tried your best to avoid this subject. Considering what had happened.

"He's coming back tomorrow. You know that right. You sit next to him."

You nodded to every, "question" Yukio threw at you.

Only to catch it and throw one fast.
"You know you won't ever get a chance with him right."

You did the same, more of a statement tone that he had.

He glared at you.

"Shut up. I got homework to do."

He cheeks began blushing a soft pink. And he started to sound more angry.

You laughed inside your head.

He was too easy.
So was Bon, but depending on who you where.

"OK, I'm gonna read." You waved his glare a goodbye, walking over to a shelf full of manga. Some you've never even heard of.

"Hospital boyfriend and the special ones?" You read one eye catching title out loud.

"Ya, just got it. I guess a big thing." Yukio looked over at you, a growing grin on his face.

You shrugged, pulling it off the shelf, you began reading the back.

Seamed pretty legit.

You grabbed it, threw it onto your bed, and began changing into some, formal night time clothes.

Once finished, you crawled onto your bed, reading chapter one.

"The incident."

By the time you finished reading 2-4 chapters.
One line what's stuck in your head.

"Keep your friends close, and your enimies on the guest list."

It was a weird saying really. Kinda like, keep your friends close, and your enimies closer.

Weird, really weird wording was put on it.

But maybe that's why it's stuck in your head.

Turning your head, the clock read, 7:30.

The chapters were long. But, was like a magnet. Always kept you stuck for the next page.

After forcefully, yet sadly closing the book, Yukio looked over to you.

"Glad to see you can read. Moron."

He spat out the word moron, like it's the worst word to say. One you don't say often, is one that rhymes with stuck.

You flipped him off, while sticking your tounge out.

"Wow, very mature."

He was being sarcastic. He never usually was unless he was mad, or holding a grudge.

I can say this much, he doesn't like to let go of grudges.

"Ya, I know."
You chuckled, but Yukio wasn't to happy. Considering you could hear a bit of mumbling from him and after that, he slammed his book shut.

"Got something to say Yukio?"
You tried to get on his bad side. It was funny seeing him mad.

Rin x Bon  Love Or Not?       |Finished|Where stories live. Discover now