58. "You're totally impossible!"

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The next morning saw Draco snuggled up to his witch and with a big grin on his face. Today was the day he would become her husband. Today was the day she would become his wife. He let his fingers gingerly move over her tummy. Feeling the soft skin and the nudge of his son made him sigh happily. Who would have thought that his life would one day feel this perfect?

"Draco?" she mumbled as she turned over.

"Good morning, love." he cooed.

Her sleepy, deep and dark eyes watching him generated more heat in his body than anything else could. Feathering sweet kisses on her nose and cheeks he watched her close her eyes again as her breath caressed his face.

"You know what day is today?" he asked with a husky voice.

"Hm? Saturday."

"Yes. What else?"

Her gaze had an intrigued quality about it now as their gaze met.

"What else is today?" Her index finger trailed along his jaw.

"Our wedding day. I want to marry you today."

"You want... what?" a stunned expression greeted his smirk.

"I want you to marry me." he gently kissed her, "Today, at lunchtime."

She was lost for words. Another kiss followed the first. Her mind went blank as she lost herself in the softness of his lips.

Pulling back just enough to be able to speak he asked again, "What do you say? Do you want to marry me today?"

"Draco, I want to marry you, but..."

"No but. Just say you will."

"I don't have a dress, none of our friends would be there and I always wanted my dad to..."

His mouth shut her up before she could ramble on any longer.

"Your dress will be delivered at nine, all your friends will be here, Ginny will help you get dressed and smarten up, Blaise is going to be my best man and your dad will be leading you to the altar. Don't worry about it. There will be a very small occasion here in the house and then tonight we'll have a big reception, a ball actually, at the Manor."

She stared at him in disbelieve.

"You've... a wedding... today?" was all she managed.

"Yes, Lea. You don't need to worry. I've organised everything." smiling broadly at her as he ran his fingertip over her cheek, "So, what do you say? Are we going to get married?"

"You're totally impossible!"

"Just the way you love me." he whispered.

She sighed and knew that she had hoped for him to sweep her off her feet and he had managed to do just that. How could she say no now? She couldn't. He had asked her to marry him more than once and she knew that she had just been waiting for him to bring it up again in order to make some concrete plans in regards to them actually tying the knot.

She remembered what Mrs. Weasley had been saying as Draco had come to collect her. They would be there on the big day. She now knew what she had been talking about. Was there any doubt about her answer? No, there wasn't.

For a moment she just looked into his deep, grey eyes. She could get lost in them all too easily. Having done so in the past she would love to be able to do it in the future. Draco ran his fingertips slowly over her cheek.

"I love you more than I thought I'd be able to love, ever. I'm a proud Malfoy, but I'd kneel at your feet. You're my world, Hermione. There's nothing more important to me than you and our son." his forehead touched hers, "I love you. " he whispered.

"I love you too, Draco, my dragon, and of course I'll marry you." she breathed against his lips.


An hour later Hermione was having a shower. While the warm water was running over her she wondered what it would be like to have a shower with Draco. She frowned. Why had she never thought about that before? Then a grin stole over her face. She would have the rest of eternity to do all sorts of things she hadn't done with him so far.

She turned the water off, grabbed a large fluffy towel, dried herself and then went into the bedroom. Ginny was standing in front of the bed where the wonderful white wedding dress they had looked at the day before lay. She was wearing a slightly worn out bathrobe, her hair in a ponytail, arranging and re-arranging everything while her friend was watching.

"I see, you are even more excited than me..." the older witch remarked with a smile.

"I want to make sure that you sweep him absolutely off his feet when he sees you. I want you to look stunning."

A moment later she was hugged tightly by the older girl.

"I know you want to make me look stunning, but don't go totally over the top. I still want to be myself."

"Okay, okay. I'll do my best." she grinned.

Slipping her bathrobe off Hermione went in search for some underwear. She just about managed to walk a few feet before a loud gasp made her stop. She turned and found her friend staring at her.


A finger pointed at her back. She tried to turn to see what exactly was the problem, but didn't really managed.

"What? What is it?"

It took a moment before Ginny found her voice again.

"The tattoo! I didn't know you had a tattoo. When did you get it? And where? Was it Malfoy that has persuaded you to have it done? I looks amazing. Is it... is it actually moving? Wow! That is just so... awesome!" she just fired question after question without giving her the chance to answer.

"Tattoo? What are you talking about? I don't have a..." it was then that it dawned on Hermione what was being to referred to. "Oh, that."

"Yes, that! Merlin, how come you never told me about it?"

"Well... it's not a tattoo..." a deep blush crept over her face, "It shows that..." the rest was so mumbled it was unintelligible.

"It shows what?"

"It only happens when the mother of a Malfoy heir has true feelings for the father of the child. It shows that we love each other." she whispered. The younger witch looked at her thunderstruck.

"Has he something like this as well?"

A short nod was all the answer that was given.

"Merlin!" there was a slight pause, "But that means he seriously loves you. He can't pretend to, can he?"

"No, Ginny, he couldn't just pretend to have feelings. Either he loves me or he doesn't and for the mark to appear he genuinely has to love me."

"So this...," she pointed at the dragon which was leisurely stretching over the small of Hermione's back, "what ever it is, means he does."

Hermione smiled, nodding lost in thoughts. Yes, the opinionated, arrogant prat she had loathed for years had somehow morphed into a gentle, loving young man. Her gentle, loving young man. 

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