14. She bought a book for me?!

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A/N A big thanks to all of you who fan-ed, commented and voted for this story. It's great to know that you enjoy it.

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Draco, only son and heir to the house, name and fortune of the long pureblood line of Malfoy was looking at the girl before him. She was smart, witty, of understated beauty and Muggleborn. She was also the mother to his child.

His child.

He blinked a few times. It was his baby. His! There was no other guy. There probably never had been. He had tried to... His eyes widened in shock as realisation hit him. He would have left her to fend for herself. She would have never claimed what their child was due. She would have...

He didn't want to think about what he nearly lost in one moment of unthinking stupidity. How could he seriously have thought, that she would just forget about him? He had always been self-confident to the point of cockiness, until he had fallen in love with Hermione Granger. She had put doubts in his mind he had never known to exist before.


Her warm, gentle hand was caressing his cheek. He blinked and finally saw her again. She was showing a rather worried face to him. He reached to cup her face. He didn't know what to say. There were no words that could express what he was feeling right now.

His heartbeat was alternating between too fast and nearly stopping. His breath seemed to catch in his throat ever other breath. He felt himself shaking all over.

She was carrying his child, her child, their child!

When he finally found his voice again it was hoarse, rasping.

"I love you!"

She smiled. It was a sweet, soft and caring smile. She leant closer and slowly connected their lips. He closed his eyes and felt the embrace of all the world around him.

He would never be alone again. He would be able to share his life, his knowledge, his love with this wonderful witch he had once thought so far beneath him that he had called her the worst names known to him. She had forgiven him nevertheless. She had spent her first night with him and now she would be the mother to the next generation of Malfoys. A generation that would be raised differently, without all the pureblood supremacy insanity.

He sighed happily. He would be a real father to his child. To his son. For unknown centuries now the first born in his family had always been a son. Hopefully she wouldn't mind to have another child, if she wanted a daughter. He grinned to himself. Their house would be filled with children, if he had any say in it!

He felt her slowly pull away and opened his eyes. She was smiling at him.

"I love you, Draco."

He rubbed his cheek against hers.

"Please never leave me." He whispered into her ear.

"I won't."


"Hallo Harry, hallo Hermi..."

Ginny looked at the wizard sitting at the table in his kitchen having breakfast.

"Hi, Ginny." He smiled.

She looked around.

"She is not back yet."

"What do you mean, not back yet? Back form where?"

"I have no idea. She disapparated last night some place and she isn't back yet."

The young witch sat on the bench next to him.



"Has she gone to... you know? Him?"

"Malfoy you mean? Yeah, think so. And about time as well."

"Is she going to finally tell him the truth?"

"She is not going to have much choice. Once he has her with him, he'll be making sure she tells him everything."

"I just hope, she is not going to do anything stupid."

"Like what?"

"Trying to lie to him about... her feelings for him. Or that it's his baby."

"She won't."

"How can you be so sure? You know, what she has been like in the last weeks."

"Exactly. She has reached breaking point. She wants to tell him the truth more than anything."

"Is he going to have her stay with him?"

"I bleeding hope so!"

Ginny grinned. She knew that he loved his friend dearly, but the last weeks really had been somewhat of a strain for him. Being hassled by a house elf at work wasn't his idea of the life he wanted. Hopefully Kreacher wouldn't do it again, once Ginny was...

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