Haven and Sam

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   "Hey guys! Come on in. We have a lot of work to do!" Harry said opening the door to see all of his band mates.
"Hey harry slow down we just got here!" Niall said taking off his jacket.
"Sorry I'm just so excited! I think I finally wrote a good song." Harry smiled.
"Are your sisters home?" Louis asked taking off his shoes
"Yeah so let's keep it down." Harry sighed.
"What are you afraid of them?" Liam laughed.
"Scared of Haven? No. Scared of Sam heck yes." Harry laughed.
"You're scared of your youngest sister?" Zayn laughed.
"Oh that's right zany has never met Sam before!" Louis said.
"She can't be that bad." Zany said.
"You haven't met her mate." Niall said patting zayn on the back.

      "Hey Harry did you take my hair brush again?" Haven yelled from her room.
"No why would I?" Harry laughed. Haven stormed out of her room and into the living room where all of the boys were.

"Listen styles you better give my hair brush back right now!" Haven yelled.

"Why would I have it?" Harry said.
"I know you do! You always take my brush because you dropped yours in the toilet!" Haven yelled.

"Well I can't take Sam's because I'm afraid of losing a hand!" Harry yelled.

"Where is it Harold?" Haven demanded.

"In my room calm down Haven gosh." Harry said.

"SEE was that so hard?" Haven said walking away.

"Hi haven." Liam said.

"Oh hi boys." Haven stopped and turned around and smiled then walked out of the room.

"And Sam's worse?" Zayn asked confused.

"Way worse." Louis said quietly.

     So the boys went into the basement where they practiced everyday hoping that one day they would make it big. Niall was working on the chorus of the song on his guitar when the volume was (apparently) too loud.

"Harry Edward Styles Either turn it down or turn it off!" Someone yelled from upstairs.

"Yes m'am" Harry sighed.

"Is that your mom?" Zayn asked. Zayn had just joined the band and didn't get a chance to really meet everyone in Harry's family.

"No that's Sam." Niall said turning the speaker down.

"Who does she think she is?" Zayn asked crossing his arms.

"She's Sam styles and also part vampire." Louis laughed. Louis loved to make Sam mad. He found joy out of her anger.

"That's not fair. Turn the volume up. I don't care what she thinks! Come on guys let's jam!" Zayn said jumping up.

The boys began to practice a song they wrote together. That's when Sam ran down the steps.

"Excuse me. What did I say?" Sam said crossing her arms.

"Excuse me but your not the boss." Louis said also crossing his arms.

"Shut it Tomo! Turn down the volume or turn it off." Sam half shouted.

"Um sorry but I agree with Louis. You aren't the boss." Zayn said quietly and shyly.

"And who are you?" Sam snapped.

"I'm Zayn, the new member of the band. And I think that Harry who is in fact the oldest, should be in charge." Zany said walking closer to her.

"Oh a new comer, I see. I'm going to be nice because you don't know how this works, so let's call this a warning. I'm In charge and don't you ever try to say differently. What I say goes and don't you dare walk closer to me like this again. Do you understand?" Sam hissed.

"Um no sorry I don't." Zayn said with sass.

Sam chuckled and crossed her arms.

"Get out." She finally said calmly.

"Excuse me?" Zayn laughed.

"You heard me, get out." Sam said moving her face closer to zayn.

"You can't tell me what to do." Zayn said.

"Get out or I will call the cops because right now you're on my property and I have every right to call 911 for an unwanted visiter on my property." Sam said still calm and collected.

"And what if I say no?" Zany asked.

"Just see what happens." Sam said.

"I'm not leaving unless Harry tells me and I know for a fact he's not letting me go anywhere." Zayn once again moving closer to her which she had forbidden him from doing.

"Get-out." Sam said slowly and more mean.

"N-o no." Zany said.

"Fine have it your way." Sam sighed and slapped him across the face. Causing him to fall backwards and onto the ground.

Sam kneeled beside him and the rest of the boys backed up.

"You're lucky it was only a slap. But next time I guarantee you will be hit so hard you will see stars in the day and that's a promise my friend. Now if I were you I would leave right now before I change my mind." Sam said in a quiet but evil tone.

Zayn didn't even said a word but he quickly got up and ran out the door.

*first chapter. Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it is a bit short but this is just an introduction to some of the characters and their personalities. This is a conjoined fanfic with my friend Kassidy and we will try our best to make this both interesting and have longer chapters. Hope this works out and doesn't turn into a complete train wreck! More chapters to come*-chapter by phantrashtomlinson >•<

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