#29 Your family gets hate

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In this imagine, you only have your daughter Lillie who is 2.

your pov

I was sat up in bed since i couldn't sleep. Lillie was asleep next to me and Niall was asleep next to her. I had nothing to do so i decided to go on twitter. I opened twitter and went down my feed. Most of it was hate, it usually was, but today it made me angry because they were saying things about Lillie too.

@Niallers_Wife  -  Why did Niall marry that slut? I bet Lillie isn't even his daughter it's probably some random persons kid!

@1D_Fan4Life - Is it just me that think Niall's daughter looks a bit strange? In my opinion it looks like she's got some sort of disease that makes you really ugly.

@Regina_George - Honestly, Nialls baby looks like she has down syndrome and His wife looks like she got hit in the face with a sword! (Please don't take this offencive! Tbh I think people with down syndrome are actually really cute!)

I kept scrolling , disgusted at the things they were saying about our 2 year old daughter. One tweet did catch my eye

@Evelyn_Grace_Taylerr -  @ Niall_official Don't listen to them. They are just jealous because y/n  and Lillie are beautiful. The sad thing is that they call themselves fans yet they send hate to your wife and two year old daughter!!

as I finished reading the tweet Niall woke up. "What you reading?" He asked . "They are sending hate again, but not just to me" I said and Lillie woke up from the talking. Niall lifted her up onto his lap and moved over and sat next to me. "Who else are the sending hate too?" He asked. I shook my head. "Lillie" I said . He got his phone and went on twitter. He read most of the tweets that were written and he followed the people that said nice things. "im so sorry y/n" Niall sighed. I looked very at him confused. "Why?" I asked. "Because I'm the reason you and Lillie are getting hate" he said sadly. "Your not, it's just that your fans don't like that your married and have a daughter. I don't care about getting hate but I don't want Lillie getting it especially when she's only 2" I said and he nodded. " I know, I'm gonna tweet something I don't even know why people would hate on a 2 year old " he said and looked down at Lillie who was asleep on his lap.

Niall's pov

I don't care about people hating on me but they can't hate on my family. I read some of the tweets most of them were about Lillie and they are horrible. They were saying that she probably isn't mine, she's ugly and that she doesn't deserve to be my
daughter. I decided to tweet

@ Niall_official -what has happened to society?  You can hate on me but don't hate on my wife and daughter. My baby girl is 2 and already getting hate for no reason! People saying that she isn't my daughter when she obviously is! Some others saying that she's ugly! You can't call a baby ugly and she isn't she's beautiful! 

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