#85 He's scared to give your baby a bath

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I have birth to mine and Nialls first child Liam a week ago.  He was a very easy baby and didn't cry very often. He has Niall blue eyes and brown hair and he has my nose and lips.

"Niall do you want to give him a bath?" I asked Niall while holding our son. "Uh..yeah" he replied. I walked upstairs into the bathroom with him following.  "Okay, here you hold him and ill fill it to where it needs to be" I told him passing Liam to him. I filled the bath up a little bit so it wasn't very deep. I checked the temperature with my hand and it was the perfect temperature. "When you bath him, you should make sure the water is lukewarm" I told him and he nodded.

"Now you can bath him" I said to niall kneeling next to him. He kneeled down and looked at me. "What if I get water in his eyes? Or like just hurt him, ive never given a baby a bath before " he said. "it doesn't matter Nialler.  You'll do fine everyone makes mistakes but I don't think anything major is going to happen so there's no need to worry" I chuckled.

"Whatever you say" he replied as he took Liam's little onesie and his diaper off.  He gently lowered the baby into the bath tub.  Liam started crying when he touched the water. "Why's he crying? What do I do?" Niall panicked keeping the baby in the same position. "Stop worrying,  he's only 1 week old so he gets startled easily he will calm down in a second, you worry way to mucn" I told him and he nodded. "Now you need to hold his body with one arm and wet his hair wih your other hand" I instructed. Niall did as I told him.

"See you're a natural,  nothing to worry about scaredy cat" I told him and he rolled his eyes. "I'll put the shampoo on his hair because your hands are full" I said and he nodded. I squeezed a bit of the shampoo on to my hand and rubbed it into Liam's little head of brown hair. Liam made a weird face. "Do you like that Li?" Niall asked in a baby voice while smiling. "I think he likes a good head massage" I said and niall agreed.

"Now do the same as you did when you wet his hair to wash the shampoo out" I instructed. "it actually isn't as hard as I though it would be" Niall said while washing the shampoo out of the baby's hair. "Now you can take him out, dry him and get him dressed" I told Niall and he nodded. He lifted Liam out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his small body. He held him to his chest and smiled down at the little baby boy which was yawning.  "Do baths make you tired little guy?" Niall asked in a baby voice. The baby responding by yawning again making me and Niall chuckle. Niall got Liam dressed into a blue and white onesie which said 'Little Prince' on it.

We took Liam into his surgery and niall placed him gently in his cot placing his blanket over him and his teddy bear next to him.

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