#54 He has a child from a previous relationship

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I met niall when lillie was 6 months old. Lillie is now 4 and me and niall have been together for 3 years.

"Mummy!" Lillie shouted through the house as niall brought her home from school. "Look what I drew!" She shouts handing me a piece of part. Lillie knows that I am not her mum but she doesn't care. "That is you" she says pointing to the stick figure with long y/h/c hair. "That's daddy!" She says pointing to a tall stick figure with hair sticking up."and that's me!" She says pointing to the little stick figure with long brown hair  in between the other 2.
"Wow this is so good Lillie!" I tell her. "Why don't we put it on the fridge?" Niall asks coming behind lillie and picking her up. "Yeah!" Lillie giggles. Niall let's her put it on the fridge and then she goes to her room to play with her toys.

"Thank you" niall says out of no where. "For what?" I ask him confused. "For being there for Lillie and acting like a mum to her rather than a stuck up bitch like you know who" Niall says wrapping his hands around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck. "You don't need to thank me" I say staring into his blue eyes. "I do , if I never met you I don't know what I'd do , bein a single dad for six months was hard enough" he sighs. "There is no need to thank me, I love you and I love lillie likes she's my own daughter" I tell niall and he smiles slightly. "I love you too and I know lillie does too" he says and pecks my lips.

"Do you think we could maybe have a baby together soon?" Nisll asks nervously. I smile."I don't see why not,I know that lillie wants a little brother or sister" I say and he grins

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