#38 You dont like the way he punishes your daughter

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Lillie is 4. And I know niall wouldn't do this.

Niall's POV

I was currently in the living room watching football, y/n was in the kitchen making dinner and our 4 year old daughter lillie is sat on the floor playing with toys.

She came over and stood in front of me. I looked at her. "Daddy" she said . "hmm" I replied looking over her to watch TV. "When dinner ready?" She asked. "I don't know" I said watching the football match. "Daddy" she said again while I tried to watch the Match. "Daddy!" She repeated."DADDY!" She shouted . "WHAT LILLIE?" I snapped. "Im hungry" she said. "Well your going to have to wait until dinners ready" I said concentrating on the match. She walked back over to her toys."lillie tidy your toys away dinner will be ready soon" I told her and she ignored me and continued playing with her toys."lillie" I said and she ignored me. "LILLIE TIDY YOUR TOYS UP NOW!" I shouted since she ignored me.  "NO! IM PLAYING" She argued. "LILLIE TIDY THEM UP NOW DINNER WILL BE READY SOON!" I shouted. "YOUR MEAN!! I HATE YOU!!! YOUR A BITCH!!" she screamed and ran off. I was taken a back by her language . "LILLIE GRACE HORAN GET HERE NOW!" I shouted.

Your POV

I was currently cooking dinner for my husband and daughter. I turned the oven off . "MUMMY!" lillie cried running into the kitchen. "What is it?" I asked kneeling down in front of her. "Daddy was being mean and....." She said being interrupted by niall. "LILLIE GRACE HORAN GET HERE NOW!" he shouted walking into the kitchen looking for her. Lillie hid behind my legs. "GET HERE NOW!" He shouted picking lillie up. "No! No!" She cried. "Don't ever use that language again!" He said and spanked her.(not in a sexual way)after he spanked her I took her from his arms. "Niall what are you doing?!" I asked. "Spanking her" he said stating the obvious. "Why?!" I said. "Because she called me a bitch!"  He said. "There was no need to spank her for it!" I said to him . "WELL HOW ELSE IS SHE GOING TO LEARN!" he shouted. "THERES PLENTY OF OTHER WAYS SUCH AS JUST TELLIN HER TO NOT DO IT AGAIN!" I screamed. "I CHOOSE HOW I WANT TO PUNISH MY DAUGHTER!" He shouted coming closer. Lillie had hid her head in my neck not used to us fighting.  "AND YOU CHOSE HITTING HER!! SHES 4 NIALL!" I shouted annoyed that he hit our 4 year old. " I didnt hit her hard" he said rolling his eyes. "I DONT CARE HOW HARD YOU HIT HER YOU SHOULD NEVER HIT A CHILD!" I screamed. "WELL IM SORRY FOR PUNISHING MY DAUGHTER WHEN SHES NAUGHTY!" He shouted. I just walked upstairs with Lillie. I couldn't be bothered arguing with niall and I know lilllie didnt like it. I sat down and lillie sat in my lap cuddled up to me

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