#60 New baby

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In this you will have 2 daughters. Lillie is 5 and grace is a newborn since in this she has just been born/you've gone into labour

Your pov

I was 8 and a half months pregnant with mine and Niall's second child which is also our second daughter. We where currently at mauras house and the whole family was here for a family reunion.

I was outside in the backyard talking to Maura and Denise while Niall was inside with Lillie I think.
"So how's theo been?" I asked Denise. "He's been fine, he started school a few weeks ago and he's been loving it" she tells me and I smile.
"How's the baby been?" Maura asks referring to my giant stomach. "I've had less morning sickness than I did with Lillie which is good but I think this one will be a lot bigger than Lillie was" I tell her."have you and Niall decided on a name yet?" She asked. "Yeah we have" I tell her smiling. She smiles at me. "Really? What is it," she asked. I shake my head. "You'll find out when she's born, we decided to keep it a secret until she's here" I tell her. "So are you and Greg planning on any more?" I ask ."I don't know we haven't spoken about it" she says and I nod.

I feel a strange pain in my stomach. "Are you okay y/n?" Denise asks seeing the discomfort in my face. "Yeah I am" I smile. I keep getting a few strange pains but the baby isn't due until 2 weeks so I pass them off as false contractions.

A suddenly feel a sharp pain. I drop My glass and clutch my stomach in pain . "Y/n what's wrong? Tell us honey?" Maura says worried. "I..I..I think I'm in labour, c..can you get n..Niall? " I plead. Maura runs off to get Niall and Denise stands next to me so I don't fall. The pain was a lot worse than it was with Lillie.

His pov

I was sat in the living room with Lillie on my knee and I was talking to Greg and my dad. "You coming coming to the game later?" Greg asked me since derby County were playing later and he had tickets. "Probably" I tell him. My mum comes in looking worried. "Niall y/N has gone into labour" she tells me quickly and out of breath. My eyes widen. "I..its too early she's only due in two weeks" I say. Greg takes Lillie from me. "I'll look after her" he says and I thank him. I stand up and follow my mum to were
y/n is. I see y/n hunched over clutching her stomach in pain while Denise is next to her keeping her steady. "Help me get her too to car" I tell Denise. We both help y/n into the car and I drive her to the hospital.

After the birth

Still his pov

I sat on the chair next to the hospital bed that y/n was in. Y/n was holding the baby on her chest. I look down at my youngest daughter. "She's beautiful" I whisper ."Yeah she is, she looks like you" y/n replied. "Do you want to hold her Niall? " She asked me looking at me. I nod my head and y/n hands me the pink bundle of blankets. The baby starts to fuss a little when being passed over but soon calms Down again. "She's doesn't cry much does she" y/n says. "Complete opposite of Lillie then" I say and y/n giggles.

I look down at my baby. "Hello beautiful, I'm your daddy, and that gorgeous woman is your mummy and you will meet your big sister soon" I tell her even though she can't understand me. She opens her eyes for the first time and looks up at me. "She got your eyes niall" y/n says and I smile.

Y/n's family live in England so they could only come tomorrow but my family came in. My mum, dad , lillie, Greg and Denise entered the room. My mum brought brought a balloon that said 'it's a girl' on it . Lillie came and stood next to me and looked at the baby while everyone else sat down and asked y/n's how it went and other things like that. "What's her name? You said we'll find out when she's born" my mum said . "Her name is Grace Aaliyah Horan" y/n's tells them.

"Do you want to hold your new baby sister?" I ask Lillie. She nods. I stand up with grace in my arms. "Sit down there" I tell Lillie and she sits down holding her arms out. I gently place Grace on lillies lap. I take my phone out and take a picture of them. "she's a cutie pie" Lillie says and I chuckle. "Yeah you both are" I said. After Lillie has held the baby , everyone else takes turns to hold her until she's back in y/n's arms.

"How did you come up with the name?" My mum asked us. "Well I really liked the name Grace and Niall
liked the name Aaliyah, and Horan, yeah that parts just kinda obvious" Y/n says making my mum chuckle. "You two are definitely the best at picking baby names. I mean who else would come up with two beautiful names like Lillie Mai and Grace-Aaliyah" Maura says making us smile.

Grace Aaliyah Horan
Born- 23rd of July 2026
Weight- 7 pounds 4 onz

I go on to twitter and post a photo.

Niall_official- My two beautiful daughters. Lillie holding her new sister Grace Aaliyah Horan for the first time. Proud daddy!

 Proud daddy!

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