#61 surprising Niall on tour

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Lillie is 5 and Grace is 1 year and 3 months

Niall had been on tour for the past 6 months and was only due to come home in 3 months. Niall had missed graces first birthday, first steps and first word because management wouldn't let him come home. Graces first word was Dadda though but I did video it I just didn't send it to Niall so he doesn't know she can talk or walk so he's going to be surprised today

I was currently stood at the side of the stage while Niall was performing with the boys.  I was holding lillies hand and grace was on my hip sucking on her dummy (english word for pacifier) and holding her teddy from niall. "Are you both excited to surprise daddy?" I asked my two girls. "Yeah!"Lillie says. "Dadda" grace mumbles. Right now Dadda and mummy are the only things she can say.

I put grace down on the floor as don't forget where you belong starts. "Go on, go to daddy" I encourage.  Lillie runs out and grace tries to run but is quite wobbly and slow and the crowd goes louder . "Niall, there are two small surprises behind you, well one is quite far behind" Louis says. Niall tuns around and Lillie runs into him and hugs him. He kneels down and hugs her while the crowd are screaming. He looks at Grace and sees her walking. He smiles proudly and hold his arms out to her. She runs into them and he picks her and Lillie up. "Dadda!" Grace says and the microphone picks it up making the crowd Aww.  "You can talk princess!" Niall says smiling at his two daughters that both look exactly like him. "I missed you daddy" Lillie tells him and hugs him. "I missed you too princess" Niall tells her  "I love you daddy" she says . "I love you too princess, both of you" he said smiling. "Want to stay on stage and sing with us?" He asked her and she nodded.

He put Lillie down and kept a hold of grace . "Wait here" Niall tells Lillie while quickly going to the side of the stage. He passes grace over to me and gives me a kiss. "I love you" I tell him. "I love you too, I'll show you how much later" he says walk in on stage smirking.  He goes back to Lillie and she gets on his back. He stands up in front of the microphone and she sings the rest of the songs with them. The boys let her have her own solos sometimes. Once the concert has ended all the boys come off stage.  I greet them all with a hug while having a sleeping grace in my arms. Niall comes over and puts lillie down. "Looks like we have a singer on our hands" I say lookin down at lillie. "Yeah, a bloody good one too" Niall says, "language" I warn and he puts his hands up. Sorry, but it's true" he says smiling. I lean in and kiss him.

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