Getting My Happily Ever After.

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Sorry for the long-ish wait!!!!!

It never felt finished, but here you go.


Laura-Ann x


- Aria's POV -

Smiling, I turned around to face my sister, best friend and mother, giggling at the expressions on their faces.

My mom had tears streaming down her cheeks, dripping from her chin, landing in her lap. She was fanning her face, attempting to stop the tears falling down her face. Emilia had a huge grin on her face, any trace of tears wiped away before they could be seen. Natalie was practically on the floor, tears pouring from her eyes.

"What do you think?" I asked, biting my lip as I turned around to face the floor-length mirror.

"You look beautiful!" Emilia gushed, jumping up from her seat and hugging me.

"Thanks!" I chirped, hugging her back. "I think I've found the one." I stated, smoothing the fabric over my expanding stomach.

"My sister is getting married!" Natalie suddenly shouted, clamping her hand over her mouth and hanging her head down, trying to hide her slight blush.

"Yeah!" I grinned, removing her hands from her face and squeezing them softly. "But nothing is gonna change, I promise you."

"Everything's gonna change! You're getting married! And soon you and Drake will have the baby to look after! I still need you." She pouted, looking away from me as her eyes once again filled with tears.

"Hey! Just because I'm having a baby and getting married, doesn't mean I'm gonna forget about you guys!" I stated, flicking her arm.

"You promise?" She lifted up her index finger, holding it out towards me.

"Promise." I looped my index finger with hers, our own take on traditional pinky promise.

"My little girls are growing up!" Mom stated, wrapping her arms around the both of us.

"Watch the dress!" I shouted, moving away from the multiple bracelets dangling dangerously close to the back of my dress.

"Sorry!" She fretted, waving her hands around.

"No harm done." I smiled, checking my reflection again.

The white fabric lay across every curve on my body perfectly, including my slight bump. A long trail spread out behind me, sweeping gracefully along the floor behind my feet. the top half of the dress was decorated with diamonds, formed into an eccentric pattern. I smiled as I imagined walking down the aisle in this dress.

"Mom, are you crying again?" I asked, placing my hand on my hip as I turned to her.

"No," she choked out, placing her hand near her throat. "Of course not, sweetheart."

"Mom!" I whined, stamping my foot. "This is my dress picking day! You are not going to ruin it with your tears!" I cried, pouting.

"Sorry! Sorry, I'm not trying to ruin it," she laughed, gripping my hand in hers. "I'm just so happy for you, dear."

"Thanks, mamma." I smiled, squeezing her hand.

"Its okay baby." She hugged me, keeping an eye on her bracelets as she did so.

"Can you guys believe I'm getting married in two weeks?" I sighed, tilting my head to the side, placing my hands on my stomach.

"I can't believe you're getting married when you're nearly four months pregnant!" Emilia exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips.

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