What Happens Now?

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Next chapter for you :) I'm gonna do the next chaps about Natalie, so keep your eyes peeled for that :)


Laura-Ann x


It took me all of two seconds to rush over to my mate.

He still lay slumped on the floor, eyes closed, and unmoving.

I cradled his head in my lap, silent tears pouring down my face. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and knew immediately that it was my sister.

I leaned in close, whispering in his ear.

"Please, baby, wake up. Come on, please, for me. Come on, baby." I whispered in Drake's ear, hoping my words would somehow wake him up, bring him back to me.


Absolutely nothing.

The tears started streaming down faster, now completely uncontrollable.

I gently rocked back and forth, still cradling his head in my lap. I felt Natalie's hand slip around my shoulders, pulling me towards her for a side-hug.

"Come on, Aria. There's someone here to help him, they just need you to let him go." Natalie whispered,squeezing my shoulder slightly.

Reluctantly, I laid him completely down on the floor, before standing up and taking a few steps back. Natalie immediately pulled me into her arms to comfort, I gripped onto her, trying to borrow some of her strength, I was too out of it.

I watched as a bunch of people fussed over Drake, trying to find the cause of the problem. I was completely numb, the only feeling left was the heartbreak I was currently being dragged through over nearly losing my mate. Or for all I know, having lost my mate.

A sudden shot of a bright, blinding light shot through the small area. I covered my eyes, sheltering them from the sudden change in light. Everything and everyone jolted back as a string wave of energy blasted through the air. I stumbled back a few steps before I regained control of my actions.

I looked up to find the source of the light. It was radiating from Drake's chest, bursting out and wrapping all the darkness up, covering it momentarily.

A collective gasp ran through the small crowd that had seemed to gather around Drake's seemingly lifeless body. I took a few cautious steps forward, spreading my wings to keep my balance.

Once I was close enough, I dropped to my knees above his head, squinting my eyes against the light. I reached my hand up and gently stroked his forehead, feeling how warm his skin had gotten. I blew gently on his head, in the hope of cooling him down slightly. Nothing happened.

I continued to stroke his head, the tears still slowly falling down my cheeks. Using my free hand, I swiped at my cheeks, getting rid of the tears that had collected.

I watched in amazement as his eyes fluttered open, slowly but surely.

His hand twitched, finally showing another sign of movement.

I gasped as I watched his once dark wings spread out, now a brilliant white, like mine.

His eyes opened fully and I stared deep into their golden depths, immediately getting lost in them.

"Hey baby," I whispered with a small smile. "How you feeling?"

"Hmmm....." He mumbled, looking slightly dazed.

I couldn't escape the small giggle that escaped from my lips at his jumbled words and dishevelled appearance. His eyes finally gained focus, and locked with mine, looking confused.

"What's s-so funny?" He stumbled over his words, his confusion finally setting in.

"Nothing," I giggled again, a few tears escaping. "Absolutely nothing." I finished with a huge grin plastered on my face.

'I don't get you sometimes.' He mumbled inside my head.

'I'm just glad that you're awake.' I replied, still with the silly grin.

He looked down then, noticing the drastic change in the colour of his wings. I watched him as he looked intently at his wings.

"Why are my wings white?" He questioned, still looking confused.

"I don't know, thought you could answer that." Natalie chirped up from behind us. "Now are you two gonna get up or are you gonna stay on that floor forever?"

I glared at my now sort of twin sister? Whatever!

"I'm gonna batter you like a fish in a chip shop." I growled at her, before getting distracted by Drake's suddenly laughter.

I say laughter, it was more like guffawing.

Both me and Natalie switched our gazes to him, confused as hell with what he was laughing at.

"What's so funny?" Natalie asked, raising an eyebrow quizzically at him.

"Nice to see that you guys are getting along." He answered, calming his laughter.

"Why wouldn't we get on?" I asked.

"Yeah? We're sisters." Natalie finished.

"Yeahh, yeah." He mumbled.

Drake stood up, helped me to my feet and wrapped his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and smiled, glad to see he was perfectly fine.

"Well," Drake started looking between Natalie and me. "What do we do now?"

"I don't know, go home I guess." I answered with a shrug.

"What and live our lives like nothing happened?" Natalie looked shocked.

"What else can we do?" I replied.

"I-i don't know." She finally admitted with a sigh.

"Right then, let's go."

We walked out of the huge dark building, Drake and I hand-in-hand, while my other arm was looped through my sisters arm.

To be honest, none of us knew what was going to happen next, but as long as we stuck together we'd be fine.

Me and Drake still needed to have this baby. Natalie didn't know she was going to be an aunt yet, but she'd be a great aunt, I could just tell.

We didn't know if Drake's Fathers minions would come after us, but we could handle them.

Or could we?


So like I said, next chapters are going to be in Natalie's POV, and she finally gets to see One Direction :)

What will happen? :O oohhhhhh!


I needs more fans :P so if you like this story, please fan me?

Much love


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