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Thank god that I'm finally off punishment. I can finally do some catch up with my one and only bff lisa. For a matter of fact let me call my bitch up right now.
"Hello" she answer sleepily.
"Bitch it twelve in the afternoon i'm off lockdown so get that ass up so we can pop out at the park" I said.
"I'm getting up now I'll be there in 30 minutes. She said hanging up. I went down the hall to the twins room, they were gone so i just went into my room to get dressed.

As we sitting at the park with our frappes from star bucks up comes the twins and they're crew. Marcus is the finest one out the crew though I mean that nigga is fine he can always get. I mean all that nigga got to to do is look at me and my panties is soaked. Hell if he tell me bend over and toot this ass in the air and my toes I will I mean zaddy can get it.

"Look whose off lockdown" the twins said. I rolled my eyes and looked at Marcus.
"Hey Marcus" I spoke.
"What's up?" he spoke. Damn his voice makes me wet all the time.
"Shit, what's new" I asked.
" Chill carmen find you something do" Jayden replied.
I rolled my eyes and focused back on marcus.
"So Marcus you still with Toya?" I asked Just For Hayden to give me a death glare.
"Why the fuck you concerned about who this nigga with it aint you so why you worried? Jayden asked.
"Can Y'all cock blocking asses shut the hell up damn " I said.
Marcus laugh silently and shook his head " y'all chill yeah we still together beautiful" he replied at that moment my panties was soaked, I literally need to walk back to my room and change panties because he just ruined these.
"What's up Hayden? Lisa spoke and I gave her a death glare she knows the twins are off limits.
Hayden looked at me and winked his eye licked his lips and before he even said anything Lisa was blushing I rolled my eyes.
"What's up gorgeous" he spoke.
"Watch it Hayden you know that my friends are off limits" I spoke sternly.
"So are mines, now keep your eyes off my boy Carmen " He looked at me sternly.
"I'll try but I can't promise you anything" I said getting up to go stand against the wall. I winked at Marcus before walking away.

What do y'all think so far? Is it good?

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