Mama Donna Drama

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Chapter 2: Hayden

So me and my nigga's sitting at the park smoking, talking and playing dominos at the table and as I look up guess whose walking my way Lisa sexy ass. She's my sister Carmen best friend so I never fucked with her but the bitch is badd she's a red bone with long pretty hair dimples onion booty and she kinda favors Kyla Pratt a Lil bit. Man she puts all my baby mama's to shame and them all dimes.
" Hey Twins, Marcus, Eric, and Chris" She Spoke.
"What's up?" We Spoke.
" Yo when is your sister getting off locked down? She asked.
"Next week, don't know which day though" I answered.
"Oh, so what's it going to take for us to get together?" She Asked.
" A ass whooping if you don't leave my baby daddy alone thirsty bitch!" My baby mama Ashley shouted walking up to us.
" Girl the day you beat me would be a damn miracle. And thirsty ho you tried it ! And we not going to talk about how your ass was fucking Adrian ass under the bleachers and sucking his boy Rick dick while your son was right there. But yet you have the nerve to call me thirsty bitch please. Lisa said as she mushed Ashley ass outta her face. Before she had a chance to swing back I snatched Ashley up by her ass slung her ass to the ground. "Bitch give me a reason why I shouldn't kill your ass right now?" I Yelled pissed like a Mother fucka.
"Bae she lying" Ashley cried.
"Oh I'm lying let me tell you how I know for a fact I Ain't lying because they recorded your ass and the baby crying in his stroller look Hayden" Lisa said. I looked at this video and all I've seen was blood I tried to kill Ashley ass It took all my niggas to stop me from fucking her ass up. After I Stood up I looked at her and shook my head I can't Believe this bitch. Ashley home girl Tanya walked up to me and swung on me before had I chance to react Lisa was already whooping her ass. When we heard police sirens everybody ran different directions.

Later that day me and Jayden was in the room playing The game till mama busted up into the room. Oh shit !
"So You beating up on women again?" Mama asked me.
" Ma, she was having sexual intercourse with two nigga under the bleachers while my Son was right there crying" I Said.
"I don't give a damn if she was fucking the whole football team under the bleachers that still don't give you know right !" Mama shouted. I'm looking at her like she lost her mind she got me fucked up just like Ashley do. I'm going to beat her ass every time she thinks it's okay to do that shit.
" I hear ya" I answered.

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