lisa (the hospital visit)

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Its been a week since Hayden has been released and Carmen still in a coma. I miss my best friend with everything in me. If I knew this was going to be the outcome I would've never agreed to us showing up to her mama house knowing Andre had that gun. I can't blaming myself for Hayden getting shot because I knew it was going to happen when he winked at me. I should've warned Hayden about the gun and for that I can't face him every since he gotten shot I haven't been by to see him guilt wouldn't let me. I'll text him to check in him but thats about it. I love him so much and I know that I'm going to have to tell him but I know for a fact he'll hate me. I just and won't tell him right now. I've been visiting Carmen everyday sometimes I stay the night talking to her as if she's still here. Sometimes I'm here till dre gets here After this shit I literally don't like his ass anymore. I sat down and a chair and grabbed Carmen hand and beginned to talk.
"Hey Bestie you have to wake up so things can go back to the way they was. You gotta be here for your bundles and mines that's right bestie I'm six weeks to your three and a half months. I need you hear please wake up. Please idk what I'll do without you here. Your my only bff. I feel bad that your in this predicament I can't even face your brother knowing that I knew he was going to get shot before Andre pulled that trigger. We should've never let him  leave with it but shit this is Andre we're talking about. Your brother is going to hate me I just know it. My mama is gonna kill me then I'll be lying in a bed next to you in the same predicament probably even worse.
"You got that right, and when were you planning on telling me? Your due date?" My mom asked. I swear my soul jumped out ta my body.
"Uh how long was you guys standing here?" I asked scared shit less.
"Long enough, What chu mean you know he was going to pull the trigger. You plotting against me? How I know that's my seed and not Dre seed. I lost my basketball scholarship do you hear me!" He said pointing to his chest. By now I had full blown tears running down my face.
"Its not that- I'm sorr-" Hayden cut me off.
"Fuck your apology. Sorry mama. but as far as an us were done and if that baby is mines get rid of it" he reached inside his pocket gave me a hand full on money. And wheeled out and his wheelchair. My heart were now broke in threes. I followed him out the room while everyone else stayed inside I followed him into the escalator thank god we were the only ones inside of it.
"Please don't do this to me" I cried.
"You did this to yourself" he said.
"This is your baby, & I didn't set you up the only thing I'm guilty for is not telling you sooner that he had a gun" I said.
"I honestly don't even care. But make sure you take care of that while you got the money" He said without a care in the world.
At that moment I was completely over him disrespecting me I stood in front of him and slapped the shit out of him. And bent down to his level. " We made this baby together so we're going to raise it together. You wanna be mad be mad at me! you would not take it out on our child!" I snapped.
"you ain't shit to me yo but an easy fuck. Your pussy even wack ass hell. You ain't shit to me and like I said kill it I don't want it nor will I claim it" he said.
"Yo bro take that back you don't mean that" Jayden said as we stood outside. I didn't even see him walk up.
"I really do, let's go." He said as he wheeled off.
"He don't mean that, he's just hurting right now from every angle give him time. And I promise he'll be back to him old self. Jayden said as he helped him into his car and left.

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