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I know I fucked up when she wouldn't even glanced at me. I'm still in love with her. But from the way I treated her I know for a fact I lost a good woman.
I followed inside the elevator and outside to her car. "I'm sorry" I Spoke once I removed one of her ear plugs from her ear. She took the other one out and still kept quiet. "I'm sorry for everything" I said again. She looked off to her car and opened the door and got inside. She leaned over to her glove compartment and grabbed a folder and Handed it over to me.
" that's your DNA test results and pictures of your daughter. I have a doctor appointment next Thursday whether you show up or not I don't care. But there you go. Keep your apology thanks for it but I don't need it. For now on were going to be cordial if it not about the baby don't call or text me. " she said as she wipe the tears before they had a chance to fall. She rolled her window up and turned her radio on to Rhianna take a bow. Damn I never knew I fucked up as bad as I did till I said those words out my mouth. But wait how the hell she get my DNA for a test probably Jayden since their all the sudden Bff's. I know our daughter is mine though before I was her first and her last. Because were getting back together maybe not now but we will soon though.
I walked back towards the hospital where I seen Andre and the twins boy there getting big. It seem as if he was struggling so I went to offer only because he had my niece and nephew.
" let me grab my niece" I said. He looked at me for a moment contemplating whether he should or not, before he decided to give me Chastity boy she looks just like her mama. And being that she's woke this is going to a beautiful blessing.
" hey Beautiful" I said as she smile at me. He handed me her diaper bag as we headed inside . once to her room we walked in and Carmen looked our way towards the twins.

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