Let Us Feast

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I am still in shock. I kissed him, I actually did it. I can't hold eye contact with him. I blush every time, which is stupid and pointless. It isn't like it meant anything. I just wanted to prove him wrong. But still...it's embarrassing.

I risk a glance in his direction; he gives me a conspiratorial smirk then winks. He is so brazen and flirtatious. I'm not used to this sort of thing. Why am I so easily flustered?

I close my eyes and focus on the night that we struck our deal. I was confident then, I can be confident now. I am making a pact with myself: I will not allow James to get to me. I know what I want and it is not James.

I reopen my eyes and find James standing directly in front of me. I stop myself from stepping back. I smile widely. I can succeed solely on determination. He gives me a confused look.

"Are you alright?" he queried.

"Yes I'm fine. I was just thinking," I replied.

"Well don't give yourself a headache," he cracked.

"Amusing," I yawned, "Did you come to ask me to dance?"

"Would you like to dance?" he inquired in answer to my question.

I roll my eyes. He can be so difficult. "As a matter of fact, I would like to dance. It is after all my wedding day."

"Very well," he smiled, nodding, "shall we?"

We danced on and off all night. I had a ball. I hadn't expected to enjoy myself this much, but I did. I have always had a fondness for dancing. I much prefer the more upbeat songs over the slower songs. James helped make it enjoyable by remaining silent through most of our dances.

I did find that he could be quite funny. Standing in a small group with him, I heard him and Matthew recounting childhood adventures. He told of a day when he and Matthew found a small injured squirrel, put it in a box and brought it home to care for. They kept it hidden in James' room, sneaking whatever food they could back up to it. He called it Timothy and read to it every night. Slowly the small squirrel became well so Matthew and James were planning to release it the next day. The only problem being that they had morning lessons with a tutor and could not do it straight away. They quickly went about their lessons and rushed back to James' room, but the squirrel was gone.

They frantically searched his room, but found nothing. Then they heard a terrible cry from the kitchens followed by a string of curses. They hurriedly ran down to find the cook on the table and Timothy scurrying around on the floor. They knew they were in trouble, but he says he will never forget the way the cook danced around on the table. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. I think I would have liked the younger James. We would have had much in common.

Still smiling from their story, I went to pour myself some punch.

"You are allowed to have wine, my dear sister," I hear from behind. I turn to see Samuel smiling down at me.

"I'm afraid my palate isn't refined enough to enjoy wine's pungent flavor," I laugh returning the smile.

"Well that makes one of you," he reported, glancing at James, who now appeared to be deeply engaged in a drinking match.
He wouldn't overindulge now would he? I shake the pessimistic thoughts from my mind and remind myself how tricky Samuel is.

"It's his wedding party. One could hardly expect him to refrain today of all days. Besides that's the first drink I've seen him have."

He shrugs as if to imply that I am probably wrong and he is just humoring me. I decide to ask him about the night of our engagement party.

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