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To be or not to be,

That's a question.

Time: 8.00am 3 months later


Going to school is normal.

As a normal high school student, all I care about was getting good results in CSAT and get in to the college I want.

It is indeed a normal life.

But not until a group of transfer student came in to the class, having Sehun pulling my earphones out from my ears.

And that's when I met a pair of beautiful eyes I had never seen before in my entire life.

Is it weird to say that I feel drawn to a stranger because of his eyes?

It's not like his eyes colour are special.

Is just a pair of normal brown eyes.

But it makes me look down when I feel a hand on mine.


Sehun just give me a shrug, "Nothing."

But he's holding my hand while looking at that guy whom I just lock my gaze with.

"Guys, listen up! The five of them are transfer student so please be nice to them. No troubles."

Did I ever mention this?

That me and Sehun actually doesn't live in South Korea?

We are Koreans but we live in New York.

So basically, everyone here are whites and we often get discriminated for having different skin colour.

That's why we sit together all the time ever since we knew each other as a kid.



And I speak Korean to Sehun.

"Don't look at him."

What? Out of sudden?

"What do you mean not to look at him?"

He seem odd these days.

Like, telling me not to do this and that.

But I was frightened when suddenly a face is in front of mine.

The guy I locked my gaze with.

He bend over, looking in my eyes now when he was passing by to the empty seats in the class.

"Hi, pretty."

Okay, that's new.

No other white guys ever call me pretty.

This is kind of abnormal.

But... I'm not afraid of him.

While Sehun got up and push him away immediately.

They stare at each other before he says something weird to Sehun.

"How did you even come out in the sun?"

Sometimes, weird things happen in school.

I feel like everything is weird these days.

And I'm the only one who doesn't know anything.

But I had no one to ask.

"I have my ways."

The guy scoff before giving me a smile.

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