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She is lost in a world, quietly healing on her own.

Time: 2 weeks later


"Igeo, try this."

Tae Hyung showed me a chocolate and I took it, popping into my mouth immediately.

Not that I want to eat, I just don't want him to nag.

"Is it nice?'

I just nodded and took one more from the box to eat.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick? You are not talking."

"I'm just tired. I need to work later. Let me go back and get some sleep."

Getting up from the bed, I said before forcing out a smile at the other BTS boys and teleport to leave.

Falling down on the bed, Tae Hyung followed right after.

That's a given.

"Did something happen when we were gone?"

BTS went to New York for a week.

Then Milan for a week because of fashion week.

I just don't feel like myself after my outburst at Kang Chul and letting a guy I barely know to see me crying after that, even hugging me.

Pulling the blanket, I cover over my head.

I ain't answering Tae Hyung.

"Someone upset you? Something bad happened? What's wrong oh? I will scold them, just tell me who."

Closing my eyes, I pretend to sleep.

"Do you want me to stay here? Or you want to be alone? If you don't want to talk, gwanchana. Just let me know if I should leave you alone here."

I told him to leave me alone in the link.

And I had been using work to distract myself.

I'm just glad that I don't have to do a happy couple photoshoot.

There isn't a theme like that in my photoshoot this week.

"Jagi, gwanchana? You look so down. Or you are acting to this week's theme?"

Seok Cheol oppa asked when I was putting on the boots and I smile.

"I'm practicing. I'm not supposed to smile anniya?"

"Ahh, gurae! Wah, you are good at it."

He continue to compliment and I look down to tie the shoelace, dropping my smile.

"But jinjja mian, I called you out last minute to work. I'm really thankful. Also, you are just right for this magazine photoshoot today. You are okay to do with other actors who are not Jin Young right?"

I bobbed my head and he handed me a cup of iced americano which I thanked him.

They already got me ready on the site after styling my hair and I waited for the staff to get the actor ready.

Seok Cheol didn't say if it's a guy or girl.

I just snapped my fingers while playing with my power.

They are all humans and no one can see it anyway.

"I'm sorry that I'm late! I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting!"

Looking up, I saw the so called actor jogging in quickly to the site while bowing and I snapped my fingers for the last time.

Our eyes met.

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