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Who was always there for you.

Time: whenever


Having a lot of memories isn't a good thing.

Especially having memories way more than before.

It make me realise that I'm always in danger.

Even after I became a normal human, I'm still in danger.

Everyone have to be worried about my safety.

"You stuck with her even more now."

Tae Hyung commented that when Jae Wook's anxiety is getting worse now.

He went from just holding my hand to now, locking our fingers together.

I can't step away from his sight.

Except when I need to go to the bathroom.

That's how anxious he became.

"Don't go anywhere."

That's the thing he said to me the most these days.


And I know I have to stay within his sight so that he can be at ease.

He is all I have now.

I'm well aware that I'm no longer invincible so I really have to be careful.

"Jinjja, don't go anywhere."

I nodded my head when he still wouldn't let go of my hand even after the director called for him.

And he give me a stare before kissing my forehead, finally letting go of my hand and head to the filming site.

He looked at me with those eyes these days.

That he thinks he might lose me very soon again.

"Chul ah, why is this still happening?"

I muttered that, looking up at the tree now as I leaned my back on it.

Kang Chul had been staying by my side too since that day.

Hanuel said is the psychopath.

He finally make a move.

After so many years, he finally look for me again who was once his prey.

Every life, I'm still being chased by someone.

Someone is always coming after me.

Someone always want to kill me.

Kang Chul didn't answer me anything but hold my hand, making me look down at it.

"I'm sorry. It all started from me."

I guess he thinks the same as me.

That this somehow is still repeating.

That my fate that I put myself through hasn't end.

"Will there be like a zombie pandemic again?"

"There's nothing from Hell."

Taking in a deep breath, I don't know what to think anymore.

We just stay quiet side by side, until they finish the scene.

"Won ah."


It's automatic.

Entwining our fingers together, I just let him pull me as his assistant and make up artist follow behind us.

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