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It's the person you never saw coming that will change your life.

Time: -


"Yah, fuck, stop there!"

I keep on running when he chased me out from the warehouse to the woods now.

It was an warehouse.

That's why it smells so bad.

I scanned around quickly while still running, touching my pocket to see if my phone is still with me.

No, I have nothing.


Looking back swiftly, I see that person running fast too to catch up with me.

And he fucking has a gun.

I don't need anyone to tell me that what I never expected happen on me now.

That the guy who are chasing me with Jae Wook's face isn't Jae Wook.

He must be this universe's Jae Wook.

Damn it.

What the hell happened seriously?

How come I'm in another universe now?

Something snapped in my mind and I picked up my speed, dodging the trees as I look at the bracelet on my wrist.

Hanuel said no one can ever take it out since its borne with his magic.

"H-Hanuel! I-I really need you now!"

Running while yelling, I really hope that demon show up but I looked left and right.

I don't see anyone.

I don't see him.

And panic starts to hit me actually.

That I might came to a situation I'm all by myself.

That without my powers, I'm seriously nothing as a human.

"Jebal, jebal, H-Hanuel! K-Kang Chul!"

I yelled again and still, I don't get any respond.

Fuck it, I should have carry a knife around!

Turning left into the woods, I got frightened when that guy actually shoot at me.

Hiding behind the tree trunk, I peep to see where is he.

He is still running towards me so I bend down to grab a handful of soil before running again.

I picked up a long branch too when I saw it.

He fire again and I dodged to aside before turning around and throw the soil at him, followed by the branch.

The branch hit him as he's busy hissing because the soil went in to his eyes and he stumbled backwards before falling on his back.

I took the chance to run towards him, kicking him again on his chest when he try to get up.

Grabbing his gun now, I grab his hand with another before pulling the trigger and aim at his head.

He finally blink away the soil, looking at me in surprise.

It took me a moment to look around, checking if he's alone or he has company.

I don't hear anyone else walking.

He should be alone.

"What's your name?"

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