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Seeing my people happy makes me happy.

Time: Hazel's birthday 9am


I smile.

Looking at myself on the mirror, I brushed the dress while admiring how pretty it is.

I gotta say he has a good taste.

"Is it okay?"

Hyo Seop asked from outside and I open the door to let him in.

Having his eyes checking me out, he smile without a sign of trying to hide it.

Neither me.


"You picked it."

Of course I didn't have time to go and buy clothes.

So he took care of it.

"I was worried that you wouldn't like it but your smile says everything."

He brushed my hair before cupping my face with a hand and I could smile no more.

It's a white dress.

Simple and pretty.

"Do you want to open your present now?"

"Present? This isn't the present?"

I pointed at the dress and no doubt, my heart pounded the moment he pull me to me while having a hand tug into my hair.

He kiss me softly.

"I'll get it now. I think it suit the dress."

He muttered and I chuckle.

Giving me a kiss on the cheeks, he left to get it from his room.

He came back with a small box.

"What is this?"

I asked curiously and he brushed my hair away from my neck before caressing my face.

"Open it."

It's a necklace.

A key.

I gasped at how pretty it is.

"This is the birthday present?"

He hummed a tone while nodding.

"May I?"

I nodded and he took the necklace to put on for me.

This is the first time I got such a beautiful gift.

But touching the pendant, it gives my finger tips a cold feeling.

It's not just a necklace.

"What is inside?"

"You can feel it?"

He turn me around to face him.

"What is it?"

"You can look into it like this."

He said while pulling it up to let me see through the diamond on the key.

Holy shit.

Did I just saw a mini him inside it waving at me?

It do all kinds of gesture.

It's an image of Ahn Hyo Seop in there.

"How did you do that?"

"Magic. I have a witch friend and she helped me."

He had a witch friend?

I never heard him talking about it.

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