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If it's meant to be, it will be.

Time: 2 months later


I think my wish came true.

Things never happened.

Bad things.

No one die, I never encounter vampires again and something incredible even happen.

Jin Young came to tell me that the power his father got from my blood is gone while his remain.

I'm starting to believe the shaman now.

That I can decide what to happen in this world.

Because I had been thinking that I wish I would take back the power I gave his father and it did gone.

Even my father still remain the same so it could be true.

Though I still remain skeptical on this matter.

But I find it awkward to be home alone when Bo Hyun took a new drama offer and always busy with his filming.

Walking around the house while listening to music, I just don't know what to do when the wolf is not around.

When I came home after my work and I have no other friends to call to talk to.

'Tae Hyung, are you busy?'

'I'm on Vlive now.'


Getting a coat, I just teleport out to the street as I wear it before walking.

'Where did you go? Why aren't you at home?'

Stopping on my feet, I smile at the voice in my head.

It's Bo Hyun.

'I'm bored so I came out to walk. You came home?'

Turning around, I teleport back home but he's not there.

'I dropped by for a second to see if you are home. Where? I don't see you on the street now.'

'I'm home now.'

I said and he teleport back in a second.

"Yah, just stay in the house. Don't go out alone."

"I'm bored like hell and i can't sleep! You still need to go back to filming? Can I go and hang out? I will be quiet."

He sighed in defeat.

"Anni, jal. I'm staying up all night for the filming."

He pulled me and I groaned when he make me lay down on the bed.

"I seriously can't sleep."

Bo Hyun crouched down next to the bed now when I didn't get up.

"Why? You keep saying you can't sleep these days."

"I don't know. I just can't sleep."

I said and he placed a hand on my forehead, testing my temperature out of the blue.

"Are you feeling not well?"


He pulled his hand away now.

"Jal. I'll just be here until you sleep."


He nodded and I smile.

"But aren't you tired for filming whole night?"

"That's my work. I enjoy it. Jal, pappli. Don't think about anything."

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