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To feel loved without physical touch;

Is feeling love in its deepest.

Time: 3pm 5 days later


I don't know what I'm doing.

Ugh, I'm such a dumbass.

I figured out the way to use the totems I draw on myself but not someone else yet!

Why did I join?

Looking at how those witches create the totem with magic and put it into use immediately on the protectors, I got down from the platform immediately.

"Hey! I didn't expect to see you here!"

It's Adam.

Apparently all competitions are being held in Haward so it's reasonable that I met him here.

"I'm just looking around."

What a lie.

"Come support maybe? We joined The pack."


I nervously agreed and followed behind him.

No idea if it's possible for me to quit the competition now.

I was looking around for the organiser when Adam got to his team and introduce us.

"Hazel, we are all in the same class. Don't have to be shy."

But I spotted Zach not far away from us.

"Excuse me for a moment."

Zach is talking to someone and I ran towards him.

"Zach, Z-Zach!"

Looking up, I realise that Chanyeol is the one he's talking to.

"Chanyeol, you are here."

Oh crap.

"Why are you here?"

He give me a confused look.

"You didn't know? She joined the drawing one."

Zach happily says and I shook my head.

"About that, I think I want to withdraw now. Is there any way?"

"What? Why?"

Zach dropped his face and I swallow a little.

"You can't withdraw, I don't think they allow you to. The competition is ongoing."

I muttered a shit under my breath before I turn around to walk away.

If I'm not wrong, I had to join the center if I win.

That's not what I want.

"Hey, where are you going? I was looking for you at the platform!"

Gasping, I feel a strong pull on my wrist and that was Marcus.

He had went back to where he belongs but he still came here like once in every day.

I don't know why.

"I'm not going to join."

"Why? I thought you had thought hard about this."

"My totem can only be used for myself. How am I supposed to let then use it when this is the core of the competition?"

I wanted to walk away but he grab me again.

"Hey, hey, hey! We tried that out didn't we? I could use it."

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