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Loyalty is when you have my back,

Behind my back.

Time: unknown


Screw it.

Touching the hand behind me, I took in a rapid breath as my eyes look around the dark place.

If you ask me, I can't see anything.

Nothing, none.

Holding the hand tightly, I can tell that it was Tae Hyung.

Yeah, it's weird but I can recognise his hand.

I'm with Tae Hyung until the car flip over, it make sense to think that it's him right?

"T-Tae Hyung ah,"

Calling out, I try to tilt my head but my neck hurt so much.

In fact, my whole body hurt.

"K-Kim Tae Hyung!"

I heard a muffle before a grunt, followed by a stumble on the chair we are sitting on.

"W-What- H-Hae Won?"

"Oh, it's me. Calm down."

He's freaking out.

Anyone can tell that.

He's moving around so much, making noise.

This place smells like a dump, it should be a warehouse or something.

"A-Aren't we supposed to be in the hospital?! We just been through an accident!Ahh, my h-head,"

Tae Hyung keep on talking.

He's talking out of panic.

And I just think.

My bracelet;

I don't feel any pull on my wrist.

The bracelet is still there but there's no pull.

And it's impossible.

Because Jae Wook would definitely find me.

He would definitely know something happened to me because I make those demons look for him if something happened to me.

If I'm in danger and they can't posses me.

And not having a reaction from the bracelet can only mean one thing.

So far it only happened once.

That was when Jae Seon kidnapped me to his world.

We are in another world now.

Wait a minute.

Go An said he saw me killing him.

Is this his world now?

"H-Hanuel, can you hear me?"

"Who are you talking to?"

"Just shut up first."

I continue to call out for Hanuel again.

Even Kang Chul.

No response, like before.

Didn't Hanuel say he upgraded the bracelet?

Why isn't it working?

"You think that would work?"

Suddenly lights are on, blinding us and I shut my eyes tight before opening it slowly again.

Looking around, it confirmed my guess.

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