Chapter 18

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Axel's P.O.V
I had fucked up so bad, I knew it. I should've told him the second I realized I cared for him. Now he's gone missing and I don't know where the fuck he is. How am I going to fix this...he's my whole life...I fucking need him.

"Axel." Mom said as she walked into my room. I'd been in bed for the past two years crying and barely eating anything. The only thing I did was shower before returning to my room. I hadn't been spoken to by anyone either, until now.

I didn't even look at my mother. "Axel I know that you're upset but you can't stay in this room." She said. "I lost him." I whispered. "I know baby but things will turn up." She said. "How do you know mom?" I asked almost in a whimper.

"How don't you?" She asked. "If you truly believe that you and Riley were made for each other and are meant to die together you'll do everything in your power to fix things and if I know you, you always fix things." She said. "But I...I don't know w-where he is..." I stammered.

"That doesn't matter sweetheart, for as long as you're both alive your hearts will beat in sync and for as long as they beat in sync they'll yearn for each other and give the both of you the drive you need to come back together." She said.

"I've invited the Jewels over, they'll be hear at ten. Please get ready." She said before leaving my room. I sighed and sat up before grabbing my phone. I'd been calling Riley's phone every day ever since that terrible day but he never answered.

But I know that he's seen the missed calls and I hope he's heard my voicemails. I dialed his number before calling it. It rang and rang and rang but no answer. "The person you have called is unavailable if, leave a message after the tone–––*beep*"

"Hey Riley...I just wanted to check on you...I hope you're doing good. I really miss you...please just tell me how to fix this. I'm worried about you, we all are. I just want to hold you in my arms again and feel you against me...Riley I-I'm so fucking sorry." I said into the phone as a few tears slipped down my cheeks.

I bit my lip before ending the voicemail and putting my phone down. I stood up before heading to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed.


I walked downstairs in a pair of sweatpants and a loose fitting grey sweater that smelt like Riley. When I walked into the kitchen everyone looked up from what they were doing to look at me. "Axel." Evan breathed as he came and hugged me tightly. "I thought you died." He whispered jokingly making me smile.

Bell was next to give me hug then dad. I sat down in between my siblings like we used to when we were younger. "So how are you feeling?" Dad asked. "Like crap." I said. "I'm sorry Axel." He said, sounding hurt.

"It's not your fault." I whispered. Everyone stayed silent after that. The air was tense and heavy as we ate breakfast. After breakfast I helped do the dishes with mom, went for a swim with Evan, went hunting with dad and went shopping for Riley with Evan and Bell.

When we'd returned to the house the Jewels were sitting in the living room talking to my mother and father. When we'd walked in everyone looked at us and then just me. Evan and Bell went to sit down and I stayed standing.

Looking at all of them made me want to cry. I could see little bits of my lover in each of them. Martha, his mother, was the first to stand and give me a tight hug then it was Lorien and then his father Jacob.

I sat down and kept silent as everyone talked to each other. "Axel can I talk to you...privately." Lorien said as she stood from her seat. I looked up before standing. We went to the kitchen and stayed silent for a bit.

"Listen Axel...I really want to help you, I hate seeing you like this and I hate seeing my brother in the state he's in." She said, peeking my interest. "You've...seen Riley?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Yes, he contacted me last week and told me where he was and that he wanted to patch things up with us." She said. "I want you to go and find him but you can't tell him I told you where he is, he still doesn't want to talk with you but I think it's been long enough." She said as she gave me a piece of paper.

"Fix this mess."
I love my incredible plot twisting skills.
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