Chapter 17

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Riley's P.O.V
"W-what?" I stuttered as what he'd just told me registered in my head. He told me about this guy Greg and how he and my father weren't on good terms with each other. He told me how he was hired by Greg to kill me to get to my dad.

He'd told me about how my aunt and mother and everyone knew I was in danger. He told me about how my mother having a drinking problem was all just a story and that this Greg guy had been trying to kill me ever since I was a baby.

Everything, from Bell coming to his apartment the first few days and complaining about his "molesting problems" was all a fake. Whoever "the others" were, they weren't real. Everything before he realized he loved me was a lie.

His whole family knew he had to kill me and my family was always there the whole time. Both of them lied to me. Axel lied to me!

My entire life was a lie. He hadn't just been conveniently walking past that alley way. He knew about my drinking problems, he got some of the guys I had sex with in the past in on it. The guy who I'd got caught having sex with at school was in on it.

We got caught on purpose.

Axle knew I was in that alley way. We hadn't met by chance like I thought, it was a set up and along the way this play I was tricked into acting in got screwed up and he actually fell in love with me.

"I couldn't kill you, I fell in love with you. When we had sex that one night I thought I wasn't being serious but I was...I just didn't believe it until later." He said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I'd lost track of everything because I was infatuated with you." He said sounding ashamed of himself.

Whatever he'd told you about when he fell in love with me was a lie. He lied to me, he lied to you, he lied to us.

"I fell in love with you before I told you but I didn't know it and when I'd told you it for real it was just for show again but I'd realized...when I tried to kill you after we had sex but I couldn't." He explained.

Being told all this had my heart going into overdrive. "You lied to me..." I said finally. I stood up and walked away from him like he'd just threatened to kill me.

"Riley I–––" He tried to say but I cut him off. "I trusted you, I trusted your family, I trusted my family! I-I...I fucking married you Axle...had sex with you, adopted a child with you, took care of your child with you, I fucking killed someone for you and at neither of those points did you think I would be more than hurt by this if you told me then or did you think that but choose to not tell me anyway?" I asked.

"You said we wouldn't keep secrets from each other but from the beginning you had been keeping this from me? Lost track of everything my ass!" I shouted.

"You've been lying to me all this time, everyone has! My aunt and uncle had set up the whole fucking thing of the orthodox shit to keep me distracted from seeing that you were after me and that my own family was always there!" I screamed and started crying.

"Your family was trying to protect you from me and whoever else would be hired to kill you if I failed, don't be mad with them." He said as he walked to me. "Did they know?" I asked. He kept quiet. "Did they know!" I shouted.

"I told some point." I said. "So you told them but you couldn't tell me? Wow...what else don't I know? Are you even gay, is your dad really bipolar, are YOU even bipolar, is Evan actually straight, is anyone in my fucking life trustworthy!" I shouted.

"Riley I'm sor–––" He tried again. "Shut the fuck up!" I cried. "You promised me no secrets a long time ago and you kept this from me. I promised you I'd never take this ring off again a long time ago too but since we're just breaking" I said as I put the ring in his conveniently outstretched and open hand.

"Riley please...I love you." He said desperately as I turned to walk away. I turned back and let my shoulders slump after trying to hold up the heavy load that was on them at the moment.

"And I love you but...I can't anymore. You've done some fucked up things in the past but this...this takes the fucking cake. I've forgiven you for everything else but I can't do the same for this...not now anyway." I said calmly

Without another word I left the room. I walked downstairs to see his family standing around in the foyer looking guilty. I shook my head at them before walking out the door.

I walked down the street at first but when I saw Axel chasing after me I ran. I didn't know who to trust anymore.
I'm butt-hurt.
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