Chapter 8

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Riley's P.O.V
It was not surprise that I couldn't walk without feeling some kind of pain in my lower half after last night. I wanted to be brave and just walk by myself but Axel insisted he carry me around like a princess.

And I allowed it because he's just the cutest when he begs for small things like that. He knows his way around me and I know my way around him.

Right now we were in the kitchen. I was sitting on the counter right next to a cooking Axel and I was sat on a soft pillow that took some of my pain away. He was talking to me about how when he was younger he thought he would end up differently and how he'd never trade being with me for the world.

I told him some of my childhood dreams, some of them which I wished could've been made real but just being with Axel is the greatest.

He and I actually both wanted to be doctors but it just never happened. "Maybe we can go get a job at the local hospital, we've got our degrees." Axel said as he handed me my plate of food.

"I don't want to wake up everyday to save people." I said as I pouted. He chuckled and pecked my lips. I smiled at the feeling I got when his lips touched mine.

"So what would my sweetheart like to do today?" I asked as he began to cut up his food. "I don't know." I said with my mouth full making him laugh. "Maybe we could watch a movie together, we haven't done that in a long time." He suggested and I nodded.

"Maybe." I said. "Alright," Axel began as he put his plate aside. "What's wrong?" He asked as he came to stand between my legs. "I miss home." I said. "We can go visit, or maybe even just go back for good. I'm sure the Lisa thing has cooled down." He said with a smile making me smile.

"Really? We can go home!" I screamed excitedly. "If it's what my Baby wants." He said as he kissed me gently. I kissed back eagerly as his arms wrapped around me. "I love you." He mumbled against my lips. I smiled and held him tighter.

"I love you too." I said when we pulled away from each other. "So tell me, how are you feeling?" I asked him, completely forgetting about my food. "I'm quite good actually, no shit has happened, you're okay I'm okay we're both okay and that's all that matters." He said with a smile of relief.

I smiled back and kissed his cheek. "You know if something ever bothers you that you can say so." I said as I cupped his cheek. "I know Baby." He whispered as he rested his head on my chest. "You know, you're all I have." He said lowly.

"I'm not, you have family and friends." I said as I stroked his hair. "I know but I can't be without you. The day that you were shot by Lisa I actually turned around two minutes into driving to the store. I had realized that I was repeating the same mistake I made when I let you walk at the park alone in the middle of winter.

I thought I'd lost you and I was just about ready to kill myself, then you came back and I took note that miracles like that don't happen everyday. So I turned around and when I saw the door had been broken. I thought you were gone.

I-I expected to find you lying somewhere in your own pool of blood and it would be because of her. I was ready to shoot myself and leave everything else behind just for you because you're everything I want. I just want to be with you for as long as I can, so the next time I scare or upset you please just tell me and talk to me.

Just do anything but walk away from me." He said. I smiled a little at how open he was being. "I'll always be yours and I'm sorry if you feel like I push you away but just know I'd never push you away. I just need space to think sometimes the same way you do and some of those times I just really need to be alone. I hope you can understand that." I said, still stroking his soft hair.

"I understand but...please take time to think alone where I can see you or at least know that you'll be okay without me by your side." He whispered and I smiled at him. He sounded so cute when he talked about his feelings which was now quite often. "Okay." I whispered.

"I love you." He said and I smiled brighter. "I love you too." I said back. "When do you want to go back?" He asked as he stopped leaning against me and looked into my eyes. "When ever you're ready for us to go back." I answered and he smiled.

"Thank you Baby Boy." He said as he pecked my lips. "Anything for you, Daddy." I whispered back as we locked eyes. His eyes are so beautiful. "Can I show you something?" He asked. I nodded and he lifted me from the counter.

He walked into another room of the cabin I didn't know existed. In there the only light was from outside. It was upstairs but really small, like in the roof actually.

By the window was a life sized teddy bear and I identified it as Mr Mar-Mar. His arm was fixed up with all its stuffing, it's as if he never had that disaster of a person rip his arm off and have us try fix him.

"I asked your mother if she could help fix it up and she showed me how. I was going to show you earlier but I just kinda lost track of time." He said as he got me close enough to pick him up.

He was just as soft as I remembered. I refused to ever touch him after the incident but now that Lisa was gone and my two favorite people fixed him for me, I just had to hold him.

"Thank you so much Axel!" I screamed happily as I hugged him. "You should thank your mom." He said as he put me down slowly. I gave him Mr Mar-Mar as my mother came into view.

I was really happy to see her. I completely forgot about my literal pain in the ass as I ran to her. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as hers wrapped around my waist. I squeezed her tightly and she started to giggle, sounding just like me.

We pulled away from each other and I couldn't help but smile happily at her. "How are you Riley?" She asked as she brushed her hair out the way. "I'm...I'm good and you, mom?" I asked as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"I'm doing good too. I just wanted to see you so bad and I couldn't wait to see you when you eventually came back so I got your father, sister and my grand children here. I thought we could have dinner tonight." She said looking at Axel and I.

"I just wanted to get to know my son and his husband, if that is okay wi--" She tried to say but I cut her off with a kiss on the cheek. "We'd be happy to have dinner with you guys. But I don't have anything to wear, you think we could go shopping?" I asked, looking for a reason to just spend more time with her.

"Where to first, Riley?"
Jesus Axel and Riley are the best couple I've ever written a story on. I wish they were real!
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