Chapter 4

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Riley's P.O.V
Axel and I had gone out for dinner at this really fancy place. He said he wanted to talk to me about something and that taking me out was to keep me from being too occupied.

But the whole time he said nothing, until he asked for us to take a walk. Now we were walking by the near by park that we'd go around and end up near where we parked.

His hand, for the first time, was cold in mine and it inflicted an unsettling feeling in me. "Riley, would you forgive me if I killed him?" He asked. "I love you Axel, nothing you do will ever make me stop loving you." I said.

"I know but...would you stay?" He asked. "Yes." I answered, squeezing his hand. It started to become warm and I breathed easier.

"You know you won't ever need to kill him, he doesn't love me. He has a boyfriend already." I said and he looked at me. "He does?" He questioned and I nodded. He looked away and sighed.

"Someone will try take you from me, even if it's not him and I...I can't stand the thought of it." He said, sounding frustrated. "Then don't think about it, I'm okay Axel. I'll always be with you, okay." I said. He nodded and I smiled.

"You saw your medication yes?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm sorry, if I hurt you." He whispered as we stopped back at the car. He kissed me gently and I warmed up inside.

He pulled me closer as I kissed back slowly. I held his neck and pulled him closer to me. We pulled away from each other and he smiled at me sweetly.

"You're so cute." He whispered as he nuzzled me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Can I show you something?" He asked, looking deep into my eyes. "Yes." I answered and he smiled before opening the door for me.

I got in and so did he, before I could realize it we were off to wherever he wanted to show me.
I woke up to Axel stroking my cheek gently. My eyes opened slowly as I shuffled around. I tried to sit up but something was restraining my arms. I looked back and noticed I was chained to the bed post.

I looked at Axel who looked pale. His eyes were extremely dark, almost black and it set an uneasy feeling in me. "I can't let them hurt you." He whispered as he got out the bed and put chains around my ankles.

"Axel, what are you doing?" I asked as fear consumed me. He chained my ankles to the bed leg. "Protecting you." He answered, his voice throaty and deep.

My heart started to race as I looked up at him wit tears in my eyes. "Axel please Baby, s-stop." I said in fear. "I'm doing this because I love you." He whispered.

"Axel stop!" I screamed trying to make him realize what he was doing. I kept screaming until he kissed me. He pulled away before I could kiss back.

He looked down at me with dark emotionless eyes and I began to cry harder. "I love you." He whispered as he tried to kiss me. I moved away from him, feeling how I should have when he asked me to be his sex slave.

He walked to the door striking more fear into me. "Axel don't go, let's talk about this!" I screamed. He kept going until he reached the door. He stepped behind it and slowly closed it. "Axel no, don't leave me in here!" I screamed for him but he didn't listen.

I woke up heaving and looking around frantically. I haven't had a nightmare in so long, I forgot how scary these things became sometimes. I got off the bed and realized I had never seen this place before.

I walked around in the dark and found a light switch. I flicked it and lights flickered on to reveal all the furniture Axel and I got for the first apartment we got together.

"What the hell?" I asked myself lowly. I walked to the door and walked out into an unfamiliar hall way. I walked towards the stairs that went down before carefully going down them.

"Axel!" I called when I got down and stood before many doors in confusion. I walked through the one and it was another bedroom then came a bathroom, the kitchen, a game room, the dining room and the tv room was that last one I went into.

The living room had most of our old stuff with some new stuff. The tv was running and a fire was going in the fire place. Everything in there was warm and cozy.

This was the closest thing to home-like comfort. I walked around the couch to find Axel there lying down with his eyes wide open staring at the tv.

He had bags under his eyes and he looked miserable. "Axel." I whispered as I bent down to his level. "Riley..." He whispered back as he pulled me to him. "How long have you been awake?" I asked as I stroked his cheek.

"Ever since we got here so about seven hours." He whispered. I frowned. "Let's go upstairs." I whispered and he stood up. I walked him back upstairs into the room I was in.

I undressed him and he undressed me until we were in our boxers. He then got in and I got in after him. I cuddled into his side as he was lying on his back.

I drew circles with my finger on his chest softly. He looked at me before turning onto his side. "Why'd you wake up?" He asked softly as he cupped my cheek. He stroked it gently with his thumb make me blush.

"I had a nightmare." I whispered but he heard. Out of nowhere he's on me, kissing me gently and slowly. He pulled away from me and cried softly.

"Axel, it's okay." I whispered reassuringly but he shook his head. "What was it about?" He asked and I began to explain.

"This is all my fault, if I'd just calmed down about keeping you safe, you wouldn't have had it. The last thing I wanted was for you to have nightmares again, especially when if I'm the root cause, I'm sorry Baby Boy" He said as he got out the bed.

I pulled him back into the bed and hugged him tightly. "Stay." I whispered. I kissed his chest before cuddling into it. He relaxed against me and wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled and kissed him goodnight.
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