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"That was the most fun I had in a while," I said getting dressed. Once my shirt was on I could feel Ghost hug me from behind, I smile and lay my head on him relaxing. "Ya, we have to do that again sometime," he said kisses my cheek down to my neck. "Mmmm...babe, I need to put my paints on." I say chuckling slightly, I could feel his mouth form a smile and he pulls his face away from my sweet spot. "Awww, if you have too," we chuckle and start to pull my paints up. Only feel the base of my tail being pulled back making me yelp out like dog. Next thing I know I find my ass on Ghost's lap with my paints hanging on my knees, I could also feel his jeans on but as he grabs my waist. "Just wanted to say, I love you," he said kissing my shoulder blade. "I love you too Ghost," I said back smiling.

My eyes sparkled as I watched the girl run for her life, I was sitting on Rebels lap as he hugs me from behind and rests his head on my shoulder.
"You really do like horror movies," he said before the girls friend got cut in half. "Yup, they're my favorite," I said before the tv made a loud "ahhhhhhh!"

"Ghost has been gone a while," MC said sitting next to Rebel "I wonder where he ran off too?" Ya, I wonder too. Oh well, probably hanging with Swift or something. "I'm sure he's fine, probably just went to take a piss," Rebel said to his brother "man this movie is gruesome." Angie says leaning on MC arm, I could see him smile and blush a bit. I smile to and lay back on my boyfriend "come on, let's leave the two love birds alone." He whispers in my ear making shivers go down, I nod and get up then say "we will be right back."
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Rebel said behind me as I walked him upstairs.

"So where to?" He asks me from behind "I can take you to my room, the bowling room isn't done yet, we have a swimming pool, oh and a back yard with a koi pool. But we don't have koi yet." I say back then wait for him at the top of the stairs "hmm let's see your room first," he says as he walks up to the top "okay."

God I love her ass, the way it moves around with her tight black shorts. Man, I'm starting to get a little horny...grate.

When we walked inside my girls room I looked around a bit "not bad, cozy." I say sitting by her "thx, so what do you want to do?" She has a point, I know what I WANT to do, but the question is what does she want? "I don't know, what do you want to do?" She looks around and grabs a pack of cards "let's play a game." She said with a smirk on her lips, I smirk back wondering what she was planning.
"Okay, what kind?" I said shuffling the deck "well I have a game in mind, I play it with my sisters but I never played it with a guy before." I look over to see her messing with the blanket, like if she had something on her mind. "What kind of game?" I say setting the cards down on the bed "well, do you know about that couple game where if you lose a round you have to take something off?" My heart felt like it skipped a beat, this was just what I needed.

"6! Ha, your first," she said with a smirk on her face "alright alright." I take my black and red bandana off, then we play again...I lost. Then again...I lost. So here I am in my paints and nothing on my head other than my scar. "Ready?" She asks me with everything on :( "ya ya, let's do this." We flip our cards to see who won...and it was me! "About time," I say and look up, only to see her taking her top off and exposing her red bra with black lace and a cute red bow in the middle. Then she holds her shirt to the side and drops it on the floor, my cheeks flush a little as I smirk. "Dam girl, I'm starting to think there is more to you than meets the eye," I say licking my lips "well of course, you only seen me with my clothes on." I smirk and chuckle lightly at her joke "for now, but I will see a whole new side of you real soon babe."

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