Chapter 9

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I put in his number and threw away the slip of paper. I got so excited I thought I would die. But I took a beep breath and texted him.

A: Hey, guess who this is!

It took him 3 minutes till he answered.

M: hmmmm, that cute chick from the party?

A: how did u know? 😱

M: your the only outsider I gave my number too. 😜

A: oh, good point 😅

M: lol, so anything new?

A: not much working on house, making snacks for sis

M: cool, missed me 😘

A: I actually forgot about u till my sis gave me a phone

M: ow that hurt

A: I'm kidding

M: lol

I texted him all day that day, till my sis said its time for bed.
M: lol, that's hilarious

A: ya, gtg my sis said I have to go to bed 😕

M: ya I should crash too, night cutie

A: night dork

M: aw that hurt

A: lol, what ever

M: lol

After that I put my away and head to sleep. I should really work on my room.

Once Shock gave me my phone I put in Rebels number right away.

S: hey remember me

R: how could I forget?

S: hmmm going to a party and dance with some other girl?

R: never!

S: lol sure

R: lol but I mean it, I couldn't stop thinking about you...

S: aww that's sweet

R: u know it sweet cheeks

S: I'm not always sweet, I can be sour too

R: I'm sure u can

S: ya, so anything new?

R: hmmm u came in my life, M.C. been no where to be seen which is nice for a change, and Swift has been day dreaming

S: cool

R: u?

S: hmm I went to my first party, had my first drink with this awesome guy, I leave in a big house, been working on it all day, and I got a phone

R: cool, and who is this awesome guy? 😏

S: if only u knew, he would flip if he saw me texting some other guy

R: I'm sure he would 😉

S: lol

We been texting all day, done a few flirts then it was getting late.

R: I'm going to crash for the night 😴

S: lol K

R: we should hang out sometime, like meat up somewhere

S: sounds cool, once u figure out were ill be there

R: cool, text u in the morning sweet cheeks

S: Kk hot head

R: u know u like it 😘

S: lol u wish

R: ouch

S: 😝

R: lol night

S: night

Then I put my phone up and head to bed. Man was this guy dreamy.

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