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It may seam that I was heart broken by that but to be honest I'm glad he did. It made me tougher, wiser, and who I am now.

I still have a little left in my glass when I felt my cheeks heat up. It was strange, I started to fell weird and relaxed. At first I thought Slash poisoned my drink, but i think that's unlikely.

I forgot I was looking for my sis and started to just relax and listen to the music, I didn't move from my seat however. Or at lest till he came.

I was staring at my glass watching the liquid move around as I swirled it when I herd a familiar voice. "Hey there," I look up to find goth turtle boy looking back at me with a smirk. "What do you want?" I asked in a irritated voice "you seam like you had a long day. Mind if I join you?" "As long as you don't bug me," I don't understand why I let him sit my me. The moment he sat down I questioned myself why I let him sit there, when I realized I'm probably drunk. Grate, just what I needed.
"So why is a girl like you here all alone?" I look back at the crowd to think about what I did before I got here, in fact I don't even remember how many classes I had. Was it one, or did I have more? I'm not sure, I seam to be too tired and wasted to think properly. I doubt I had only one glass, must of forgot the pass five minutes.

5-10 minutes ago
Slash comes back to see Hasley staring at the crowd with a empty glass in her hands. "You want some more?" He asked holding a pitcher in his right hand. She holds out the glass and nods letting him poor more into it. "Still haven't found her?" "Nope," "I see. You should be careful, you seam a bit drunk and not all guys are as respectful as me." "I'll be fine, an't no one getting passed my skin. At lest no one has yet," she said taking another drink "I see, so not one guy has ever gone past your barrier?" Slash asked leaning over the bar facing Hasley. She was quite for a bit till she answered him "once, but that was long ago when I was still learning about myself." "I take it that it didn't go so well?" "Nope, I kicked him out," "why?" "That's for me to know and you to find out," she said laying her head down for a bit. Slash nodded and stat up "ok then. I'll see you around then," he said leaving to grab his coat in the back room all the way in the back of the building. Leading to where we are now.

Hasley looks back at him and says "none of your business." He wasn't shock to see her so cold to him, the first time he met her she yelled at him before she took her sisters home. It wasn't the first time he saw a scary, feisty, and cold woman. She met many and never had any luck with them, but knowing how he likes a challenge he figured he might have a chance with this one. "Feisty eh? I like that," he says back not noticing Slash walking back with his coat in his hands. Once Slash noticed him by Hasley he knew what he was up too, him and Swift never really got along well. Slash only get along with Raph and Raph only, not even the girls that flirted with him could never get past a "hello," "what do you want?" Or a "whatever." Hasley is the first girl he had a real conversation with for a while, ever since his last girlfriend he never really thought about dating again. Hasley may be out of his lead or so he thought, but he thinks he might have a chance with her. So seeing Swift flirting with her made him more mad at him, not that he really has a chance with her. But instead of rushing over there he stays away to watch him, hoping what Hasley said about herself is true.

Hasley just glares at him for a moment, like if she is trying to see threw him. Till she decided how to answer his compliment "why? Cause there a challenge for you?" Swift was impressed by how quick she red him, but it could just be a coincidence. "Well an't you catching up quickly?" "A hunter like me knows how to catch there pray," now that sent chills down his spine, the way she said it made him look closer at her mouth seeing her sharp canine teeth gleaming in the bright light from the stage. Then he sees her blades on her side showing the reflection of his neck, when he looks back at her she smirks for a second and looks away. Something about her seamed darker than most girls, now that got him shaking inside. But he wasn't just shaking, his heart was pounding and not from fear...but from something unexpected...he found her dark side attractive. 

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