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I spent at lest 30 minutes sniffing around and looking for Skela, no luck. I sit on the edge of a roof for a moment of rest, i realized how pretty the city is at night. The lights glimmer as if stars on the ground, i never knew how big the city was. 

Down below was the same building i found Aggie and Skela when we came here, maybe she went there again. She better be cause the last thing i want is to run into those turtle guys again. If i do then ill have to deal with it. 

I jump down and pop my neck to release the tension i was building up since my search. With my blades on my side i walk inside, people dressed as animals and some mutants were dancing to the music. The guy playing the music is the turtle that was flirting with Aggie, i don't trust any of them. The song that is playing is i think its called centuries, it wasn't a bad song, i actually like it...but i can do better. 

I walk over to the bar to try to get away from the crowd, it was so clustered i couldn't move without someone brushing on my arm. "Want anything?" The guy at the bar was a tall turtle mutant only darker, taller, bigger, and more tough looking. He was a big built guy with a white top, blue jeans, and a black bandanna around his head, he was pretty hot to be honest. "Sure, give me whatever," i told him while i was scanning for my sister. In a few seconds he places a glass with a darkish clear liquid, i didn't know what it was but i did say to give me whatever. If i don't drink that would be rude, so i did. It had a bitter like taste to it but once i took two sips i started to drink it like it was nothing.

"You seam like your looking for someone," the dark turtle said as he cleaned glasses, not moving his head even a inch. "Ya, im looking for my sister. I think she might be here but i can't seam to sniff her out," I told him before i took another drink "so you are a mutant, i figured. Ive never seen you around?" He said pitting a glass down and looking at me "ya, im new in town. Just moved here from the woods nearby," "i see, the name's Slash." He said standing tall, it seams he has a belt with a S on the buckle. I never noticed since he was slouching or in a angle "nice name, mine is Hasley." "Nice to meet you Hasley, what does your sister look like?" Since he asked i pulled out my phone and show him a pic of Skela, he nods to show that he got it so i put it away "her name is Skela." "Ill keep an eye out for you," "thx man, heres my number. Text me if you find her," I said righting my number on a napkin " will do." He put it in his pocket then headed to the left side of the bar to start cleaning. 

I sat there finishing my drink when i saw him, one of those turtles that bug the piss out of me. It was the one with a black hoodie and piercings on his lips, he was dancing with two girls. One was dressed as the devil and the other was dressed as some cat, the spots were all wrong and just made her look crappy. They were both dressed like sluts, short shirts, tight tops, 10 pounds of makeup, ears or horns, and the fake tails hanging from under there skirts which i can see under just by sitting. Yup, sluts just begging for someone to give them the attention they needed. I hate girls like that, its a disgrace to all females, females should be strong, proud, and not stand for any of the mens crap, we should be the tough ones. 

Back in the woods about a year ago i was a kind, gentle, caring, weak, girl who fell in love with a dick. At the time i sore he was the one, a tall black wolf with crystal blue eyes, but i wasn't the only one who had my eyes on him. From slutty cats to bitchy dogs where always up in his fur, trying to get my boyfriend all lovey-dovey with them. I thought he was loyal because he would always push them away, or at lest when i was around. The day before our wedding i caught him kissing some black cat behind a tree, i was so mad i clawed up her face, punched her, and even cave her deep wombs that are sure to scar. For him i slapped him, kick him in the crouch, punched him, and head budded him. The toughest guy in our whole small mutant city just got his butt beat by his ex be wedded...me. Since then i never even let love cross my mind, i started to learn how to fight, dressed in leather and black, even started to act tougher. I learned my lesson and never again will i let a guy take me down, i am the alpha, and no one is going to get under my skin on my watch! 

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