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Once I past Swift I was about to go in the living room with the others, but instead I ran into something hard and soft. "Ugh!" Was the sound that came out of my mouth and I grabbed my throbbing snout. "Sorry, are u okay?" Said the person I ran into, that's when I knew right away who I ran into.
I look up to see Ghost standing in front of me with coffee all over his vest, I could feel it on my shirt as well. "Ya, oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to get it all over you." I grab a paper towel by me and start to rub it on his vest to see if I could get it off.
"Oh, I-it's okay really," he said stuttering a little. But I didn't understand why.

Ghost POV.
I could feel her hand on my stomach, one holding the bottom of my vest as the other soaks up the coffee she spilled on me. My face was getting redder by the minute "oh, I-it's okay really." I said trying to hide my red face with my vest. "Looks like it's going to stain, we should wash it before it stains too much." She pulls away and gets more paper towels to clean up the coffee on the floor "ya I see your point," I said helping her. "I'm sorry this is my fault for getting in the way."
She looks up and smiles a little saying "hey it's okay, we all get in the way sometimes."
God she's amazing! And her voice is enough to me twitch in all places. ;)

"We have a washing machine in the basement, why don't we fix up that stain?" I nod and follow her down a hall, threw a door, and down the stairs.
It seamed like a basement but when we got to the last step I realized it was a old locker room, with some showers in the corner. Then I follow her threw the room till we came to a washer and dryer in the wall with a self above it, on it was towels, detergent, a box of something, and fabric softener.
"Go ahead and put your shirt in, ill put the detergent in," she said pulling out a a part of the washer and putting in some detergent and fabric softener.
I took off my vest leaving me without a top and put it in the washer, then I close it.

Shock POV.
One I put the stuff in and closed the box part, I look over and see Ghost without a top. Showing off his shell and the front part of his shell, that was in the shape of pecks with a six pack. Oh lord.

I could feel my face getting hot but my fur covered it, thank god. He looks over at me and smirks a bit, guess he new I was staring, and said "like what you see?"
I started to heat up more real fast, however I was able to say "why you ask?" Smirking back at him making him blush, but he can't hide it.
"There are shower at the other side of the room if you want to clean up," I say handing him a towel knowing he would catch it. "Thx," and he did.

He walks past me to the showers and when he did I took my shirt off to and threw it in.

I was walking with my towel but I forgot where the showers where, so u turned back to ask when I saw her taking her shirt off. At first I was startled but after a while I found myself watching her put her shirt in the washer. Man was she hot!
But when she turned and saw me, I sear my heart jumped out of my chest, and I knew for sure she was going to kill me. At lest I'll die happy.

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