Chapter 1 Family

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Im going to make Hasley the oldest one, but shock is still the tallest btw.


We were born as mutains, lived as mutains, grew up as mutains. My name is Alexis, I was born in the woods on July 24 and i am 26 years old. I am the oldest child of the family and its my job to help take care of it. Not to long my little sister Violet was born on August 24, now she is 24 years old. But she wasn't born like us, she had lung problems and we didn't think she would live long. She would have trouble breathing as a baby and when she runs. I don't know how but she made it threw, getting better by a day she became stronger and showed she could survive. She was are miracle baby, always pushing herself to her goals and making a difference in are family. She inspired me to become strong like her, we became vary close and worked together to protect what we have. Then Vanessa was born on April 16, now she is 23 but she is the rebel in are family. Always fining a way to get in trouble and pick fights. She was annoying and bitchy at times but we love her. Last but not lest Emma was born on December 4, she is a train reck and goof ball. She made us smile at the dark times, when are mother got sick she would make her laugh. Till she passed away.


When i was born i almost died because i couldn't breath, but my mom was there. I could feel that she was scared, so i tried my best to pull threw. I had trouble breathing as i grew up, everyone looked down and pitied me. They saw me as a poor child who won't last long, a kitten who is week. I was tired of being looked down at, i knew i was strong, i was better than this. So at night i would go out and run, swim, clime and pull myself passed the limit. I trained and learned how to breath better, but i still have trouble from time to time. Mother was so proud of me pushing myself to my goals, and to see me getting better. I was so happy when i became a big sister, till Vanessa got older. Man was she a pain. But i still love her. When Emma was born i swear there was happiness coming from her, and it spread all over are home. When she smiles every one smiles, Emma was like our  beacon of life, are sun. She keeps us together, going round and round her like the planets.

Mom would teach me about plants that we can use for health and wounds . How they help head aces, sore muscles and even sickness. She showed me how much to use based  on how bad the pain was. Before i new it i was like the doctor of the family, when there hurt they come to me, when there sick they come to me, or when there sore from playing... they come to me. I was happy to help, to have people count on me when they need help, but what i wasn't prepared for was when mom got sick. I tried every herb, every medicine but she just got worse. They were counting on me to help, but i couldn't do anything but wait... and hope she got better... she didn't. She passed away.


Lets just say I'm the hot head of the family. The one who gets in trouble, the one who fights, the one with a temper. But that makes me me, I'm the one with the loud mouth, but it comes in handy. But what they don't know is i try to keep the family safe, i try to be the strong daughter that can fight. But no, I'm the little sister. I'm the one who needs protection, i can protect myself, I'm strong too. Anger builds up inside me, and i would fight with my sisters a lot and pick fights. Till Emma was born, her happiness made my anger fade. Finally a little sister, someone i could take care of, someone to protect, someone to teach. I could tell every one was shocked that i was calmer, nicer, and wouldn't pick fights. Since then i got along with everyone, and that made mom happy. Me and Emma became best friends and would play around. Without her, i would be a train reck. But when mom died, i totally lost it. I would punch trees, throw rocks, scratch the walls and yell at every one. When i ran outside and cried my eyes out, Emma put a blanket on me and hugged me, she is what keeps me same in this world. she is my life, my soul, my hopes, and my dreams.


I am the happy goof ball of the family. I try to keep every one happy and smiling. Vanessa on the other hand is a challenge, and i like challenges. At first it was goal to keep her happy, then it became more than that. We became close, best friends, and it was like we were soul mates...but sisters. The only time i was sad was when mom got sick, i tried to keep her smiling, i told her everything is going to be ok...but i new it wasn't. She got worse day by day, i knew i had to keep smiling, i had to keep everyone happy. But i was hiding my sadness deep inside, but only Vanessa could see threw me. She knew me better than anyone els, i could always count on her, talk to her, share with her. I trusted her more than anyone els,before i knew it i started to cry on her shoulder. The first time i ever cried was with her, well more like on her.

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