Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: Annabeth
Luke. Percy. Luke. Percy. Both people I loved are now gone. Maybe I have some kind of curse on me. Killing the people I love. It was my fault Luke died. If I tried to stop him from going to Kronos' side. If I helped when he asked for my help. But I didn't. And now Percy is gone and it's all my fault. If I just kept my mouth shut then maybe my mo- no Athena. Maybe Athena wouldn't have put the curse on Percy. I wouldn't call Athena my mom. I don't think a mom would kill her own daughter's boyfriend. After yelling at Apollo and telling him that his healing magic was worthless (it wasn't I was just mad ok) and trying to summon the dead (what else does Nico need other then a hamburger?), I blocked everyone out and just lay next to Percy. They tried to cover him in his burial shroud but I wouldn't allow it. I put my arms around his cold body. I tried to just believe he was sleeping and he was very cold. But my usual hand placement over his heart wasn't working. Percy was only 16 he couldn't just die. The war didn't even start yet. And there was so much more he had to do in his life. He wanted to go to Camp Jupiter and start a life there with me. Although I never expected to live away from Camp, I would do anything for Percy.
"Percy. Please wake up. I know you're in there. Do something please. A sign. Anything!" I kissed his cheek and put my head on his chest, missing the beat of his heart. All of a sudden his hand moved and held my hand. Instead of crying with joy I did the natural thing that all wonderful heroes do. "AHHHH!" I screamed. Jason and Leo came in. "What's wrong? Monster, Magic, Athena?" Jason asked.
"Spider even?" Leo offered. I shook my head. I pointed at Percy. Leo looked at Percy then back at me. "I know Annabeth. He-he's dead." I shook my head. Jason came and put his hand on my shoulder. "Look Annabeth. I know it's hard to let go. Especially for someone like you who has known Percy since he was 12 but he's dead and we just have to accept that. We have to move on." I took his hand off my shoulder. "He moved! He took my hand! Look." I help up our intertwined hands."
"Maybe it was just your imagination. I was like that after my mom died. I always thought I felt her hand ruffle my hair when really it was the wind or I thought I heard her call my name. It happens when someone you love dies." Leo explained.
"No it was real. I was talking to him. I told him to wake up and then I kissed his check and he grabbed my hand!" They didn't look convinced.
"I'll prove it!"
"You're gonna kiss him? Maybe we should go to another room knowing you guys." Leo said.
"No! I'll check for a heartbeat look!" I put my ear to his heart. It wasn't beating. Tears stung my eyes.
"Hey Annabeth it's ok. It'll be alright." Leo said.
I shook my head. The tears were falling now. "No! You- you don't understand! I- I know Percy! He won't die like this!" I was screaming now. Everyone else came in.
"Annabeth maybe you should sleep it'll clear your head. Sweet dreams." Piper said.
"Your charmspeak won't work! Circe tried charm speaking me and it wouldn't work! I know what I'm saying! I'm not dumb!"
"No kidding." Leo said. Frank punched him.
"Annabeth we know you aren't dumb. But Percy is dead. It was just your imagination!" Jason said.
"Promises can be broken." Hazel offered.
"Percy. Never. Breaks. A. Promise." I was shaking now. Everyone was protesting and saying it was my imagination. Finally Athena and Poseidon came in.
"What in Olympus is going on in here?!" Poseidon asked.
"Percy is alive. He moved." I said.
"That's not possible Annabeth. You can't bring back the dead." Athena said.
"Yea well maybe I'm a daughter of Hades. Maybe you killed my real mom and said you were my mom. Who knows what you do these days?" I challenged.
"Annabeth what do you mean Percy moved?"
"He grabb--" we were cut off by a groan.
"Where am I? I had this weird dream. Luke and silena and Beckendorf? Underworld. Elysium. Cho--OW ANNABETH! WATCH THE RIBS!"
Tears were streaming down my face. I was hugging Percy. I would never let him go. The others looked shocked. "You-Alive.
How? What? Blood? Ugh I hate this world!" Thalia exclaimed.
I kissed Percy like I never kissed him before, ignoring Thalia.
"Eww guys get a room!" Leo said. Everyone laughed. "Percy. My son." Percy smiled at Poseidon. As they hugged Jason frowned. "How are you back? Not that I'm not happy. But still I came back to life after Hera when all full power mode because the doors of death weren't closed."
"And Gwen came back also because of that." Said Frank.
"Oh look a game of I'm sad I don't get to be leader anymore." Leo said.
"I-" Percy started coughing really bad. "Percy are you okay?" I asked. Apollo came and checked his temperature. "He has a minor fever. It will be gone after a while. In the meantime please try not to kill him again Annabeth. I'm going to put him in a dreamless sleep so it's your choice if you want to stay here or not." I stayed. Everyone else left us alone.
"You didn't believe I was dead?" He croaked.
I smiled. Remembering when I asked him that. "Never."
He hesitated. "Annabeth. I think you have to stay away from me."
"Percy. I will never leave you."
"But you have to. Who knows who else may hurt us. I can't see you die like that."
"Like what?"
"Die because of me."
"Percy. If I ever die. I hope I die with you by my side."
"You want me to die? Well that's harsh."
"No seaweed brain. I want you next to me on my death bed. So the last thing I see before I die is your face."
"I won't let you die before I do. I love you."
"I love you too now go to sleep. I'll be right here." And he did.

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