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"Percy! Wake up man! We're late to Latin!"

I woke up suddenly as Grover poured water on my head.

What was all that a vision?

I'll ask Grover.



I turned to look at him. He was wearing a green sweatshirt and a beanie, his red hair spilling out of it. He had a jeans and some converse on.

I pulled off his hat and flattened his hair to feel for horns.

"Hey man! Percy what are you doing don't touch my hair!"

"Take off your shoes."

"But you said I could borrow them!"

"Just take it off!"

Grover grumbled something whilst taking his shoes off.

Nothing. He had real feet. Flesh and blood.

Was that a dream?

I never went to Camp Half Blood?

I never met Annabeth?

Poseidon isn't my dad?

I didn't defeat Kronosn?

I never met Jason and the others?

I don't understand.

"Percy I don't know what wrong with you man but we've got to go." Grover said holding my bag and handing me a toothbrush and water to clean my teeth on the way.

We were standing in front of our latin class. The whole way I was silent as I brushed my teeth. Grover babbled on something about Nancy Bobofit. I watched Grover walk and he walked normally. No limp no nothing.

We walked into class and the whole class fell silent.

"Ah Mr. Jackson, Mr. Underwood. So nice of you to join us." Mr. Bruner teased.

He didn't even have a magical wheel chair. In fact he was standing on both of his legs.

We took our seats but I wasn't able to concentrate at all.

I died in my dream. Maybe I was reincarnated. Maybe this is my chance to live a normal life?

"Sorry I'm late Mr. Bruner. I'm new and had difficulty finding the classroom and I may or may not have gotten distracted by the wonderful architecture."

My ears rang at the familiar voice. I looked up and saw the girl of my dreams-literally.

"It's fine, Miss Chase now please introduce yourself."

"I'm Annabeth Chase. I just moved from Virginia. I like architecture and I have Dyslexia and ADHD. And I'm always right."

She sat in the seat next to me as it was the only empty desk. I couldn't help but stare.

It was like when we first met. I was mesmerized by her but hated her sassy attitude.

"Hello." Annabeth said waving her hand in front of my eyes.

"Oh sorry. I er. I'm Percy. Percy Jackson."

"I'm Annabeth. Why were you staring at me?"

"You just look like someone I knew."


"Hey Percy are you ok? You seemed off this morning."

I looked around as we walked to the cafeteria.

The Life After TartarusHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin