Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Hazel (meh don't really like this chapter)

It's been almost a week since Leo left.

We were siting at the table with 5 chairs empty. Piper and Percy were still sleeping, Leo and Annabeth weren't here and Coach hedge was gone too. It was only Jason, Frank and I that were present. The Romans.

"How far until we get to that island? Frank asked.

"According to Piper we'll be there by sundown." Jason said.

"Do you think Leo and Annabeth will be out by then?" I asked.

"They better be. We can't risk anyone else. If they aren't there were going to have to keep going and hope they get to Mount Olympus." Jason said.


I turned and saw Percy. He had circles under his eyes and his hair was sticking up in weird places. In other cases I would laugh but this wasn't the time.

"I am not leaving Annabeth! And we can't leave Leo they are part of the seven!" Percy said.

"But Percy we can't risk anything. Besides things happen in battle." Jason said.

"What's with all the fighting I'm trying to get my beauty sleep, no pun intended." Piper said. She was wearing these weird warrior type pajamas.

"Nice Power Ranger Pajamas!" Frank said.

Piper gave him a look. "Wow you and Leo must be brothers or something he said the same thing! They aren't Power rangers! They are Cherokee warriors." Piper explained.

"What if it was Piper that was taken by Gaea? Then wouldn't you delay the whole world just to get her back?" Said Percy.

"That's different!" Jason said.

"HOW IS IT DIFFERENT! Because you're a son of Jupiter? Wow sometimes I would think you're Thalia! Or maybe you have feelings for Reyna!"

Hazel looked at Piper. She was tensed. Waiting for an answer from Jason. "I never had feelings for Reyna! She was just a friend! And seriously Percy, Annabeth got herself into this. Maybe if she just listened to us she would've never left! Or maybe if you shown your face before she left none of this would be happening right now!"

"I'm sorry but I was a little too busy being tied up and gagged in my closet!"

"STOP FIGHTING!!" Piper used her charmspeak. It worked so well I felt like throwing all of our weapons off the ship and just have a tea party.

"We are all frustrated with the whole situation! But fighting isn't going to save Leo and Annabeth! Jason it isn't fair that we aren't going to save them. Leo is your best friend! And Annabeth helped you when you lost your memory and after that! And Percy! I get that you're stressed out about her ok. But you don't have to take your anger out on anyone!" I explained.

Everyone looked at me and I wanted to hide under the table. The stares were making me uncomfortable and nervous. Rubies and gold started popping out of my plate.

"Percy were you able to get information on anything? Through your dreams anything?" Said Frank.

Percy nodded. "I saw Annabeth. She was in a prison cell. Her whole left side was broken. She couldn't move very well and she had nothing to help her survive. Except me.
She said--" Percy took a shaky breath.

"I had to stay where I was. If I came there then Gaea would spill our blood and she would rise."

"Leo should be able to save Annabeth. He can break her out of that cell. And he'll come up with some way to heal her." Piper said. Jason walked away to his cabin and Frank went to the Engine room.

"Hazel do you thing we should get on water? Leo said he's on an island and I think it's better if we aren't noticed in the sky. They might shoot us down." Piper asked.

"I'm not really a fan of water but it's the best option. Percy can you--"

"Yeah I'm on my way to protect the ship. Because thats what I do. I like to protect my friends." He said glumly as he walked away.

"We need to cheer him up or at least keep him away from anything that reminds him of Annabeth." Piper said. She walked back to her cabin while I went to go talk to Percy.

"Hey Hazel," Percy said glumly. Anger started boiling in me.

"Can you stop! Stop acting like you lost hope Percy! You're bringing the whole ship down. This isn't the Percy Jackson that I met when he came to Camp Jupiter. Sure maybe you lost your memory but you still stuck by us with bravery and loyalty and you never gave up! Now you're giving in. You have to stay strong! I didn't know you before you came to Camp Jupiter but I'm pretty sure that the boy before he started dating Annabeth was still brave and loyal. Bring that Percy back. Right now you're acting like a a girl! You're being over dramatic Percy. You keep thinking the worst that will happen. Think about the best things that can happen. Stop thinking that Percy and Leo won't make it's Stop thinking were going to die. Stop thinking we will lose! If you think like that then Gaea has already won. You have to be strong Percy. For us. For Annabeth. For yourself! Be the Percy Jackson before you fell into Tartarus!" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Um sorry. I get a little mad sometimes." I said.

"You're right Hazel. I haven't been myself. I'll try to go back to that Percy but it will take time. It's hard after Tartarus. But I will try."


"I swear on the river Styx"

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