Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Hazel
Breathtaking. That is what Olympus looked like. Actually it was way more then that.
"This is the most beautiful place ever" Piper said.
"By the gods, The architecture is so amazing! I've seen Olympus before but this!" Annabeth said.
"You've been to Olympus?" Frank asked, taking the question right out of my mind.
Percy nodded. "Yup all the campers at Camp Half blood have been there. Well except Leo, Piper, Jason, and the new kids that came after the Titan war."
"Was it like a field trip?" I asked.
Percy laughed. "Yup a field trip where every time we wen the gods decided whether they should kill me. No. Sometimes after the quests I took I went and after the war I went."
"Rumor has it that Percy's been offered immorality. To become a god" Leo said.
"It's not a rumor it's true. But I didn't take it."
"Why?! What in the world would stop you from that?" Jason asked.
Percy and Annabeth both blushed and said nothing.
"Aww true love" I said. And with that their faces got even more red.
"Um maybe we should stop talking and actually go to Olympus." Annabeth said.
We got off the Argo II and stepped onto the marble floors. There were beautiful gardens with flowers of every color. Even colors that might've been ugly looked pretty here. There were huge columns that towered into the sky ending who knows where. Olympus wasn't empty either. There were godlings and nymphs everywhere. Everyone was happy too as if there was never going to be a war. It was also very warm unlike a few minutes ago when the skies were cold. I noticed that someone the nymphs came up to Percy and asked if he needed anything. One even wanted his autograph. Percy was surprised but gave the nymph one who then ran off to probably show her friends. Percy was totality here. I realized that had Percy taken up the offer I would have to bow down and respect him. There were also stores or markets along the streets. People selling replicas of Ancient Greek relics. There was a mini shield that ha medusa's face on it.
"Don't worry Hazel. It isn't real her face is just used to make enemies cower. Thalia had one but that was the real one that Athena gave to her as a gift" Percy said.
"The layout of everything is the same as the one in New York just bigger!" Annabeth said. Her eyes were shining and looking everywhere. Taking in the beautiful architecture.
"Wow I thought New Rome was beautiful." Jason said. It still amazed me that he remembered what it looked like. The last time he saw it, it was in ruins from our last battle.
We walked into what was most likely the throne room. There were 12 thrones, each one modeled differently for the god. Off to the side there was a big fountain that was flowing with nectar. There were statues of each god everywhere. But compared to the rest of the marble everywhere it seemed even newer.
Annabeth gasped. "Those are the newest statues I just placed in Olympus!"
"Annabeth is the new architect for Olympus after the second Titan war." Jason explained.
"Heroes!" I jumped. I forgot all about the gods. All 12 of them, in their Greek tunics, were seated at their rightful thrones. We moved together as a pack to the center. Percy and Annabeth bowed in unison. The rest of us scrambled to get to their position.
"Rise!" One of the gods- I guessed Jupi-Zeus-- ordered. I looked at each one of the gods. I remember when Percy came to Camp Jupiter and saw the statue of Jupiter. He said something like "the master bolt doesn't look like that." At first I thought he was crazy but now I saw how right he was. I saw Poseidon next to Zeus. Percy had his green eyes and Black hair. On the other side was Queen Hera. She was beautiful but not as beautiful as Aphrodite. Her features never seemed to stay the same. Her eyes changed colors like Piper's. A women was eyeing Percy and Annabeth. She looked a lot like Annabeth. Athena. I took a quick brief at all the gods. Some were bored and had no interest in us whatsoever. Some were playing with things. A misshapen man was busy with his hands. He must be Hephaestus, Leo's dad. A woman who was wearing all silver was near Athena. I guessed she was Artemis. There was a girl with Black hair and electric blue eyes at here side. She was wearing silver but with a mix of a punk attire. 'No hades' I noticed. Hera spoke once again. "Heroes! You have successfully withstand your tasks and came to Greece with no harm." Annabeth smirked. I guessed that she and the queen didn't have a great history. "Although my husband though we didn't need you again after the Titan war he was wrong. Now we need you to help us encounter an even greater enemy. The Goddess of the Earth. Gaea." Even saying the name here in Olympus the temperature seemed to drop 30 degrees.
"Jason Grace!" Zeus voice boomed in the gigantic. With that Jason looked up as if noticing the first time his dad was in the same room as him. I noticed that the other near Artemis started to come forward and stood with Jason in the front. Jason looked nervous. I didn't blame him. Roman demigods rarely saw their parents while Greek demigods basically loved across the street from them. Jason and the girl both got on one knew. "Father." They both said in unison. They both rose. Zeus smiled at The girl and she gave Jason a big hug before going over to stand next to Percy and Annabeth. "Hey Thalia!" Percy said. Thalia. This was Jason's sister. She didn't look like him except the eyes. She smiled. "Hey seaweed brain! Glad you guys aren't in Tartarus."
"Jason Grace. The last time I saw you was when you were born. Since I was Jupiter I couldn't really interact with you. Unfortunately for me that meant seeing Percy Jackson more then enough times." Jason turned and Percy wave at him. Zeus continued, "I've been watching you since you went to Camp Jupiter. You are an extraordinary roman soldier. One of the best I've ever seen." Jason blushed and said, "Thank You father." He went back and stood next to piper. Frank was called on next. It wasn't as nervous as Jason seeing Mars two times before. But Ares seemed more kicked back. Ares didn't say much except saying that he's never seen a kid with so much spunk except for his daughter Clarisse. Percy smiled as if remembering an old memory. "Hazel Levesque" I walked up in front of Zeus and bowed. "Your father isn't invited on Olympus except the winter solstice. Plus he has a lot of work now since you guys were successful in closing the doors of death. Plus I think you should be grateful he isn't here. Or else I am sorry to say that he would have to make sure you are back in the underworld yourself." I felt all of their eyes on me as if they were wondering if I was a ghost or not. I nodded and went back to my place next to frank. Leo went up next he bowed at Zeus and then smiled at Hera. "Hola Tía! Whenever you need help to escape a cage just contact me." She glowered at him as he walked to Hephaestus. Hephaestus didn't say much except that he was proud of him and that the ship he constructed was amazing. He also told him not to give up hope. He will always find a way to save his loved ones. Leo looked a little sad after that but quickly hid it with his goofy smile. Aphrodite didn't say much to piper either but unlike us Romans, Leo and Piper who barely saw their parents, acted natural around them and not formal. It was probably in their blood.
"Annabeth my daughter." Percy squeezed her hand as she walked up nervously to Athena. I understood why. Just a few weeks ago, Athena gave her a task that no other child of Athena was able to do. Then she fell into Tartarus after she found the statue.
"You have done a fine job with the task I assigned you. I'm sorry for snapping at you. The Minerva side of me is a little temper medic after the Romans took away her power." "It's okay. I understand." Annabeth replied. Athena nodded her head in the direction of Percy. "I see that you and that boy are still together." Annabeth groaned. "MMOOOM! It's just Percy! He's too scared to try to hurt me. Besides he fell into Tartarus for me! You have to give him some credit!" With that Annabeth walked back to Percy who was laughing at what Athena said.
"PERCY JACKSON!" Zeus yelled. The whole room got silent. The gods that weren't paying attention now were now looking at Percy with great interest. Wow. Percy even had an effect on the gods. Percy walked up casually not even bothering to bow down to Zeus. "Hey Zeus! Wassup? I wouldn't know. You blast me before I could learn am I right?" Zeus acted as if he didn't even hear Percy. "I see that after turning down our immorality offer and losing your Achilles Mark you have survived what not even us Gods can imagine what it was like. Percy was all of a sudden not in the joking mood anymore. He was more serious yet sad at the same time. Tartarus was still a rusty subject for him. "Tell me. What was it like?" Zeus asked.
"Why should I?" Percy snapped back.
"Fine if not me, your father." Zeus replied. Percy turned and looked at his father. He had a pained expression on his face. "Dad I..." Percy started.
Poseidon' face softened. "It's ok Percy. You or Annabeth do not have to tell if you do not want to."
"Poseidon he must tell! He might have val--" Poseidon cut Zeus off. "My son nor his companion has to say anything and that is final."
"Sounds to me he's just running from a battle like he always does." Ares said.
Percy clenched his fists but smirked. "You know Lord Ares, I wouldn't get so cocky with a boy who beat you in a battle when he was only twelve." Ares said nothing back. Percy turned to a fat god that was twirling a grape vine in his hands. "Hello Mr. D! Long time no see.... Well actually I saw you as Bachhus but I think I prefer Dionysus."
"Hello Peter Johnson I kind of hopes you would've died by now but as usual my wishes never come true. At least since you declined our offer of immorality I don't have to deal with you for the rest of my life." Percy just smiled and turned back to Zeus. "Now Zeus, you guy have been doing a great job with claiming all of your children but I did ask for one other thing if I remember correctly. You know since the goddess of cows over there wiped my memory." Hera looked like she was going to vaporize him right then and there. But lucky for him, she didn't. Percy continued. "I recall telling you to pardon the children of the titans that did nothing wrong. In other words Calypso." Annabeth looked up. I guess at a time Calypso was a touchy subject for her. Leo also looked up his eyes filled with desire. I realized that this girl, Calypso, meant a lot to him.
"It must have slipped my mind. I will pardon her after the war." Zeus said with a shrug. Then Leo did the most unexpected thing ever. He caught on fire and walked up to Zeus. "Now you look here Zeus. I don't have time to wait until after the war! Percy told you last year! I think she's tired of her imprisonment and you know what I am too!" Percy looked alarmed and tried to calm Leo down. I realized that Percy was trying to do this without getting Zeus mad but I was on Leo's side. "Lord Zeus, what Leo means to say is that Calypso has been imprisoned for a Long time and I think she should be released. She could help us in the war. She is a godling after all. Then she can stay here on Olympus or go back to Camp Half Blood where she will still be near Olympus. I hardly think that Calypso poses a threat to us." I said.
Zeus looked at me with the same eyes as Jason and Thalia. "Very well I shall see what I can do. But we are preparing for the worst and right now that is my number one priority." It took all 6 of us and Thalia to hold Leo back from burning Zeus. Thalia offered to take Leo outside for him to cool off.
"Very well I think that concludes this meeting. Our wood nymph here will show you to your rooms then you can do whatever you like. Then we will gather in the dining area for our dinner where you can talk to other godlings and mingle." Hera said. The gods vanished from their thrones except Poseidon and Athena. Everyone started to follow the nymph out except Percy and Annabeth who stayed behind with their parents.

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