The lich's return

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Chapter 10: The Lich's Return

Another two weeks passed.

Cake has returned.

And everything became different when he came back.

Fionna's POV

'Foolish human, Next time i will kill you. And your stupid sword will not work anymore. If you wish to defeat me you will need to use another way. Hahaha...HAHAHA...HAHAHAHA'

"SHUT UP!" I jolted up and covered my ears.

"Whats wrong baby cakes?" cake asked drowsily

"Its the Lich......I guess we should start wearing the amulet before he gets into our head again." I sighed and put the amulet onto mt neck while cake put on hers.

"well, its late, I better make breakfast." Cake got up and climbed down the ladder


After Breakfast

Me and Cake went to the Candy Kingdom to look for Gumball about more info on how to defeat the Lich.

"Sup Fionna" One of the Banana guards said "Hey." I waved and walked to the lab jnside the castle.

I knocked on the door "Gumball?"

"Oh! Greetings Fionna and Cake. What brings you here?" Gumball opened the door.

"The Lich is back." Cake told him before me.

"Oh my..." Gumball widened his eyes in fear.

"The lich told me something in my head, he said my demon sword was gonna be useleas this time, and we needed another way to beat him. " I told Gumball.

"Girl, why do you believe him, huh?" Caks asked.

"Because, if the Lich says it, then theres no doubt that my sword could actually be useless at this point." Cake nodded.

"Can we go to your library to look for some stuff that'll be useful?" Cake asked Gumball.

"Sure! And I would like to help too." Gumball led us to the library.

When we went to the library, I gave orders to Gumball and Cake "Ok, PG you look for spells and junk, Cake, you look for magic amulets and junk and I'll look for swords." My eyes light up in excitement when I said to myself I was gonna look for swords.

A few hours later

"Hey guys, I think I found a sword, its made out of magic and its called the holy sword. but its missing some parts. a spell and an amulet to complete it..." I pointed to the picture.

"I think ive found something too" Cake said and pointed to two amulets

"Holy jewel and this, but it has no name. it just said that whoever wears it will have the power to control things with their mind..." Cakes eyes lit up, I knew she was interested in power and junk because she played with ice queen's tiara once saying "Im the queen!"

"Cake... even after we find that amulet we wont be needing it because we've got the sword. " I said angrily

"Fiiinnnnneee...." Cake purred.

"Oh yes, ive found the spell," Gumball coughed and tried to get our attention.

"The holy spell...only the most righteous wizard can cast this spell on the Holy Sword. WIZARD!?" I freaked out

" Why not a HEROINE?! and besides,what wizard in Wizard in Wizard City would be righteous anyway, all of then are bad, evil guys with freakish powers." I sighed, beginning to lose faith until I remember a wizard that may count as a righteous wizard.

Abraca Danielle.


Hey guys, thanks for all the reads. I know its a short chap, but if im not sleepy at night then I may be able to make another chappy :3

Spread my story to other Fiolee fans! ;)

the more reads I get in exchange for more chappies x)

I'll try to make this story as long as long as possible!

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