The Youngest Uchiha (Naruto fanfic)

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Alright so people as you from the title this will either be about Sasuke or about my character I put in. The second guess it correct. This will be about Sasuke's twin sister. Now I'm not sure if I will continue this, or not. But I'm going to see the result, and if I want to continue. I probably won't update this as much as The Leaf, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

~ ~ Start

I'm not exactly sure what happened. I mean I did know things were getting tense at home, and between Father and Big Brother, but I didn't know the extent until today.

Everything started normal, I woke up, I got breakfast, I went to school with Sasuke, I was annoyed by his fan girls, I did my lessons, I was bored, I had to stay late to practice with Sasuke. Nothing extraordinary there.

Nothing at all really happened until Sasuke and I saw how dark the sky had gotten. Both of us ran from the training grounds back to the Uchiha compound.

I knew something was wrong the moment we ran through the gates. No one was outside even though it hadn't gotten dark that long ago, and the scent of blood was in the air. I paused, but Sasuke kept running, calling the names of our clan members as he went.

"Itachi!" I called. I knew he was around here. I just wanted to make sure he was safe. "Itachi!" I called again. Suddenly something grabbed my from behind, and I was carried to the top of a tree.

"Eiko." Itachi breathed in my ear, letting me know he was there.

"Did you kill everyone?" I asked, my voice hovering above a whisper.

"If I did?" he questioned.

"I'm not afraid of you Itachi. I love you, but I need to know why you did this." I asked turning around.

"Eiko, you are too young. You won't understand." he started.

"No! You don't get it. None of you adults get it. I do understand what's going on. Something happened at the ANBU headquarters that interfered with something Father was planning. But I need to know what Itachi." I pleaded.

"Hmm, Eiko you're too smart for your own good. I can't tell you, but please I need you to hate me." now it was Itacih's time to plead.

"Itachi I can't hate you. Please tell me." I turned around in his lap to look at him.

"Eiko please don't cry." he muttered, and wiped a tear away I didn't even realized I shed.

"Itachi, please, please, please, tell me." I begged, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Eiko, you're very intelligent, and talented. But right now is not the time for you to know. I need you to get strong and be able to form you own opinion. You're the youngest Uchiha. You will and Sasuke will carry on the Uchiha legacy." he explained

"I know everyone else is dead."

"Yes very good. Now don't tell anyone about this. It's best for the village if they don't know."

"Know what Itachi." I looked up and met his coal colored eyes, with my blue ones.

"There is that brain of yours again. Always trying to get into your enemies mind. Father didn't even realize how good you are at analyzing people. Everything will be revealed in due time. Just remember to keep your head on tight, and don't let people get to you. You and Sasuke's sharingan will be more powerful than mine." I looked up into his eyes, and he activated his sharingan. Then it changed, and I was seeing all the murders of all my clan.

"Itachi why are you showing me this?" I screamed, trying to get the images out of my mind.

"I need you to hate me Eiko." he explained.

"I don't hate you Itachi. I never will. I love you." I finally got out. I passed out and the visions were gone.

My eyes snapped open. I was in a white room which I recognized as a hospital. "Oh thank goodness, you're awake." a lady, walked up to me, with a smile on her face.

"Where is Sasuke." my voice was hoarse.

"He's over here. He hasn't woken up yet." the lady explained, a small frown coming on her face.

"Oh," was all I said. She left the room soon after, and I sat there. I replayed the conversation I had with Itachi. He loved our clan, but he loved the village even more. So something happened that would affect the village, and our clan had something to do with it. That's all I could think of. I didn't know what it was though.

I just needed to find out why he did this. Sasuke was going to be different now. That I knew. Why does Itachi want us to hate him though? So many questions, but not enough people who know the answers.

The only thing I knew was I loved Itachi, and I always would. No matter what he did to me, or Sasuke. I would always love him. More than anything. I would do anything he asked me. Even if it meant taking my life.

The only catch was, I couldn't let people know. I don't know why yet, but Itachi didn't seem like he wanted me to tell people. I won't tell anyone until I figure out everything, so that is my goal. I must become stronger, make it into ANBU, and find the captain of Itachi's team. He will be able to tell me what happened.


Story End

Alright so how was this. I hope it's good. I'm not sure if I will continue. I guess it just demands on if you guys like it, and want me to continue. I'm going to try and not make Eiko to strong, but eh things happen. So yeah please just tell me if you like it and if I should continue. I won't update this one as much as The Leaf? though, but anyway I hope you guys still like it.

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