Lover Friends Part 11

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Me and Jimin turned to the owner of the voice. Our eyes widened. His eyes were widened...


Jimin quickly got off of me and covered himself with another sheet.

"W-what were you guys d-doing? Were you two h-having-"

You and Jimin:

He just looked at us still confused and shocked.

"O-okay fine, yes, we were having sex."

Jimin looks at me with eyes widened.


"It's okay Jimin. J-hope won't say anything.... RIGHT JHOPE?"

I starred at jhope angry and scarily.

"U-uh o-of course I won't say anything..."

I smirk. He just looks down. Jimin is still in shock.

"I-I'll go get mom and dad."

Me and Jimin shoot out heads up at jhope. But jhope was already running out the door. Jimin looks at me scared.

"We're dead we are sooo dead HYUNG!"

"Were not dead jimin! Put on your clothes quickly."

Me and him quickly put our clothes on in less than a minute.

"Now listen to me."

He quickly nods.

"Find Taehyung and Jungkook quickly."

"But where?"

"When the ambulance went to the hotel, outside, I saw that Taehyungs car was missing. I put a hidden tracking device on his car. You can track the car on my phone. Take my phone with you."

I hand him my phone and he took it nervously.

"Everything will be okay jimin. Just don't answer any phone calls or look through my messages.....please."

He looked at me and nodded.

"But, will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine jimin, don't worry. Now.... go.....quickly."

He gave a me one last kiss. He had tears in his eyes.

"I love you hyung...."

"I love you too jimin."

After that, Jimin left. I started crying. If someone found out about us. They would separate us just like they did with Jungkook and Taehyung. I don't want to see jimin suffer. I want to see him happy. He doesn't deserve someone like me. He's too beautiful, kind, too....happy, to be with someone like me..... I want to see him more... but not from here.... I don't want him to suffer because I'm not with him.... I rather suffer by not being with him anymore..... yes, I'll miss him, and yes, I won't be by his side anymore.....but I'll always love him. I unplugged the machine cords that were connected to my arm, I unplugged the machine that was giving me medicine. After a while my eye sight was starting to fade. I started crying. Memories going through my mind. Us being in stage with all ARMY. Mom and dad always fighting. Taehyung and Jungkook always coming to me and telling that they loved each other but none f them knew.... jhope's screw,s when he was scared. And Jimin, always coming over to me when he was sad, happy, and scared. My breath became unstable now. I couldn't breath now...... I couldn't move..... I only had the chance to say my last words.....

"I'm sorry Jimin, I'll never forget you. Jimin, I love you"

Part 12?

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