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2 weeks later:

"Mom!" I yell across the airport, and she runs over to me, hugging me tightly. We are officially on a break for a month, and I'm so happy about it.

"Hey Sweetie," she says, and then she looks over at Justin, who is standing next to me, smiling.

"Hey, I'm Justin," he says, extending his hand out to her, and my mother hesitates for a moment.

"Hello, Justin. You can call me Ms. Mayor," she says, shaking his hand, and he nods.

"Of course." 

I'm guessing she doesn't catch on that we're dating, because she's refraining from saying anything mean. Usually, if she knew I had a boyfriend, she would say something rude to drive him away.

Since Justin lives in Atlanta, he is just staying back in Canada, with us, because he refuses to leave until he gets to know my family. 

"This is a beautiful home," Justin says as we walk in the entrance. 

"Everything is fairly expensive," My mom spats, and makes her way to the kitchen. Sure, we have money, but we aren't rich, and she's flaunting our stuff like we are. 

"Sorry," I whisper to Justin, and he shrugs. 

"It's fine, Han. I get it," he says, and pecks my lips with a little kiss. I take Justin upstairs and show him his room for the week.

"I wish I could just stay in your room with you," Justin says, pouting as he puts the bags down. 

"Me too! My mom would never, have anything like that happen. Not here." He groans. 

"She doesn't get that we're dating," I explain, and he nods. You would think she understood by now. We keep flirting with each other, especially the car ride here, but she just ignored it and turned up the radio. 

"I know, otherwise she would hate me right now," Justin says. I would deny it, just to perserve Justin's self confidence, but we both know it's the truth.

"What about we go downstairs and talk with her? Before we tell her about everything, we'll get you on her good side," I suggest. 

"That sounds perfect, baby," Justin says with a smirk, and presses his warm lips against mine, his tongue entering my mouth, and I smile a bit as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me in closer, intensifying the kiss. After a few moments we break away. 

"Ready?" I ask.

"Ready," he repeats, and we walk down the stairs together, to find my mother.

"Mom?" I call. 

"Here," She yells from the kitchen. As we enter, the scent of banana bread enters my nose. 

"That smells delicious, Ms. Mayor," Justin says with a smile, and she turns around. 

"Thank you so much, Justin. That's really sweet," she says with a nice smile. What happened to my mother while we were upstairs? 

"I was thinking we could go out to dinner tonight and you can get to know Justin," I suggest, and she shrugs. 

"Fine with me, but I'm inviting Claudia and the kids," she demands, and dials a number on the phone. Claudia is like her sidekick, they never do anything alone. Claudia's kids are 8 and 14 year old girls, and they are rather annoying. 

As my mom hangs up the phone, she takes her apron off. "I have to run to the mall for an outfit for dinner, i'll make reservations at Le Champignon," she says, and walks out the door. 

"Your kidding me. She's always making something bigger than it is! Le Champignon is the fanciest restaurant around, and she just decides to take us there for a casual dinner," I complain, and Justin shrugs. 

"Don't overthink it, just go with it. Wanna make the banana bread? Your mom didn't finish." 

"Sure, you get the vanilla, I'll get the bananas," I say, and Justin nods excitedly and shuffles through the cabinets as I grab three banana's and peel them. 

"Okay, put this much in here," I say, and he nods and pours the vanilla in. I get the flour and put it on the counter.

"I'll pour this!" Justin volunteers, but just as he's about to pour it, he takes some in his hands and throws it at me, laughing. 

"Funny," I say, taking a handful of flour, and I throw it right at his face. 

"THE HAIR," he yells, and we both crack up. His face is covered in white flour. 

"Pay," Justin yells, and throws more at me, covering my face. I start coughing like crazy, and his smile fads. 

"Are you okay?" He asks, putting the flour down. 

"I think I'm allergic," I say, and he sits me on the island top.

"What's wrong? I'll get you water," he says, and before he races to the cups, I pull him towards me and kiss him passionately. 

"Liar," he mumbles, and kisses me more. He throws his shirt off and I throw mine off too, and I lie down on the island as he gets on top of me, kissing me more. 

"Your so sexy," he mumbles, kissing down my neck, and I pull his lips back up to mine. 

All of a sudden, I hear the door open.

My mom's home.

Hold Tight - Justin Bieber (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now