Chapter 22

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I do not own Teen Wolf. Obviously.

"Taylor?" I could hear my mom's voice outside. "Taylor!" She exclaimed, walking in the room, Sydney and Lydia right behind her. "Oh my god, what happened? You two both fell, or something, at about the same time. Are you two alright?"

"Mom, like I said, we are fine." Lydia said, shaking her head at our mom.

"Yeah, it was nothing." I told her.

"We're they black outs? Did you two faint?" She asked us.

"Yeah." We both said. "Yeah, we fainted." Lydia said.

"Mom, we're fine." I said, nodding my head at her. "I promise."

"Okay." She sighed. Scott and Theo helped me stand up, Theo wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked out of room.


"Nurse! Someone get the nurse!" I heard a yell from down the hall. Theo had left my side once the bell rang, walking to his next class after he made sure that I was okay. I quickly walked down the hall, turning into Ms. Ramsey's room. I saw her crouched over a male student. "Scott?"

  "Scott!" I exclaimed, dropping my book bag, rushing to my best friend's side. "Scotty, breath. What's happening to him?"

  "I-I don't know, he said he's having an asthma attack. Do you know where his inhaler could be?" She asked me as a crowd of students formed outside the door. I shook my head at her, I forget he even had an inhaler. He doesn't need one, he's a werewolf. "Scott? I need to know where your inhaler is. Is it in your locker?" She asked, getting no response.

  "One of you has to have an inhaler." I said to the students at the door. "One of you, find someone."

  "Scott?" Ms. Ramsey tried again, some of the students rushing away to find anything.

    I didn't know what to do, his breaths were getting shallower. He need an inhaler. Fast.

"I've got it!" I heard a boy yell. "I've got an inhaler!" Liam ran into the room, inhaler in hand. He crouched next to me, placing the inhaler in Scotts hand. I expected Scott to lift the inhaler to his lips, everyone did. But when he didn't, I started to get even more worried then I already was. "Scott?"

  "Scotty? You have the inhaler." I told him.

  "Scott." Liam growled at him, his eyes turning a bright yellow. Scott snapped out his trance-like state, gasping for air. He lifted the inhaler to his mouth, eyes wide as he pressed down on it. He lowered it, finally being able to breath again. 

  "Thanks." He muttered to us. I nodded, wrapping my arms around him. I let go, Liam and I holding out our hands to help him up.


  "Okay. Then what are we doing here, if you two have already had your suppressed memories?" Stiles asked Lydia and I as we all got out of Lydia's car.

"It wasn't the right memory." I told him as all three o us made our way up to the hospital.

"We remember our grandmother in Eichen House." Lydia added.

"Yeah, there was nothing about my surgery, nothing to do with the Dread Doctors." I said, stopping to look at Stiles. "So, if we've read the book, why don't we have the full memory of our experience with them?"

"I'm not supposed to know that am I?" He asked me, stopping right in front of me.

"No, something.."

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