Chapter 15

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   I do not own Teen Wolf.

  "Alright, you two have had long enough. Let's go." I heard the redhead nurse say behind Lydia and I. "I'm not buying the catatonic act. So don't think that I'm going to drop my guard. I know you can hear me." You're right, bitch. I can hear you. But I feel like I can't control my own body right now. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." She snapped, I heard her walking closer to us. "I said look at me." She exclaimed, right behind Lydia and I. "Lydia, Taylor." She said, grabbing our faces, forcing us to look at her. I internally groaned, knowing I couldn't do anything. She released our faces, my head falling back slightly.


  After she had turned the water off, her and a male nurse took us back to our shared room in Eichen. I was forced to walk, feeling the man's hand low on my back, way to close to my butt for my liking. The man used his card to open the metal door. The redhead pushed us through the door, pushing us down the hallway.

  "Are they alright?" He asked her.

  "They're fine. It's all part of the act. They're just dedicated performers." Redheaded bitch said. They lead us into our room, forcing us to lay in our separate beds. "Up the dosage to three mils. They want catatonic, give it to them." She said as the man was filling up a needle. She walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. The man walked over to my bed, sitting in the chair next to it.

  "Sorry about her, girls. She doesn't have the gentlest bedside manner. But I can be gentle." He said, running my arm with his finger. I'm beyond disgusted right now. "I promise to be very gentle." He said. I swear if he does anything to me, he'll have a very, very angry Stiles, Scott, Jackson, Isaac, Lydia, and police department after his ass. He stuck the needle in my arm. "Are you alright, Taylor?" He asked, obviously getting no answer. He took the needle back out. "Sorry about that. I couldn't find the vein. I'll have to.. Try again." He said, sticking the needle in a different spot in my arm. "I'll just have to... Find a bigger vein." He sighed. He pushed my head to the side gently. I felt him move his arm up, getting ready to stab my neck with the needle. I felt my stomach get sick. I quickly sat up, wailing along with Lydia. I pushed the man back, Lydia and I hopping out of our beds.

  I ran forward, opening the door as lights flickered around us. I heard buzzing as both the doors at both ends of the hall opened with security guards. I looked at Lydia, both of us nodding, going after the guards in front of us.

  I ran up to the man, pushing him back. He tried to grab me, but I kicked him in the crotch, causing him to bend over in pain. When he was bent over, I quickly kneed him in the face. I looked up seeing two more guards running towards Lydia and I. We looked at each other, taking one step forward, arms in front of us. We opened our mouths, screaming as we pushed them back. They both flew backwards, lights flying around them.

  Lydia and I ran over them, running out of the hallway. We ran into the main entrance, running out the doors. Guards ran out every door around us. We both stopped, seeing the one in front of us with a taser. We turned, seeing more guards behind them. I turned back around to the two guards, kicking one of them in the gut, while screaming. He flew backwards into a wall. I grabbed the other guy's arm, twisting it. I screamed, hitting him hard in the chest, sending him flying backwards. I turned around, seeing the man Lydia was fighting on the ground. I grabbed her hand as we ran down the steps toward the gate.

  We both stopped running, seeing the person in front of us. Aiden.

  He walked up the steps, towards us.

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